WIP Beta released - RLS Career Overhaul V2.0! New Update! (2025)

V2.0 is out!

Updated to 0.32.4


As we wait for the Career development to complete, we made a “few” adjustments to the current career mode. Main idea is to provide a quicker paced economy that is higher risk, higher reward. The RLS Career Overhaul mod enhances various aspects of BeamNG Career, including police interactions, the economy, parcel and vehicle deliveries, insurance, garage space, and dealerships. This mod aims to provide a more immersive and challenging career experience.

Download Link via GitHub: Download
Choose either rls_career_overhaul or rls_career_overhaul_nopolice for no roaming AI police. You can still play as a police yourself.

Installation instructions

  1. Download either rls_career_overhaul_combined or rls_career_overhaul_combined_no_police from Github. No need to download Source zips
  2. place zip folder in your Mods folder. (C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\BeamNG.drive\0.32\mods)
  3. Press CTL+L to at the main menu of BeamNG before starting career to reload lua. Required to start Career on the new map.



  • Roaming Police: Enabled roaming police that will pull you over.
  • Play as Police: Drive a police vehicle (any vehicle with a police siren) to play as police. If suspects are not spawning, exit and re-enter your police vehicle.
  • Earn Money: Earn money from escaping as a suspect or catching suspects as police.
  • Police Vehicles: Encounter the Bastion, SUV, and Van as police vehicles on this map.
  • Troubleshooting: If police are not spawning, go into free roam, spawn traffic with police, and return to career mode.

  • Increased Ticket Prices: Higher prices for speed camera and red-light camera tickets.
  • Adjusted Speed Trap Pricing: Speed trap pricing has been adjusted.
  • Speed Traps: Speed traps are now connected to insurance.
  • Adjusted Redlight Camera Pricing: Redlight camera pricing has been adjusted.
  • Redlight Camera: Redlight cameras are now connected to insurance.

Parcel Deliveries
  • Increased Cargo: More cargo available and increased spawn rate.
  • Adjusted Prices: Adjusted price calculations and added heavier cargo.

Vehicle Deliveries
  • Increased Deliveries: More deliveries available with increased rewards.

Gameplay Changes
  • Increased Starting Capital: Starting capital has been increased from 13,500 to 23,000
  • Enhanced Map: Additional backroads for more diverse driving experiences.

  • Expanded Racing Experience: Most races from the original map have been converted into freeroam races.
  • Career Mode Integration: Freeroam racing is now available in career mode and freeroam
  • Added New Drag Paddock Garage
  • New Freeroam Challenges:
    • 3 Rock Climbs
    • 3 Hill Climbs
    • Bunny Slope Rock Climb
    • Small Rock Climb
    • Mud Drag Racing
    • Track w/ Alternative Route
    • Dirt Circuit
    • Drag Strip
  • Checkpoint Races: Checkpoint races now have audio to indicate when you hit a checkpoint.
  • Dynamic Trigger Assets: New trigger assets that are dynamically hidden.
  • Dynamic Repair Cost: Test drive repair cost is now dynamic based on the vehicle.
  • Increased Space: Garage space increased to 15 slots.
  • Dynamic Rates: Insurance rates are now dynamic and based on the amount the insurance has to pay.
  • Deductible Changes: Deductible is now a percentage of your insured vehicle value, ranging from 0.5% to 10%.
  • Repair Times: Repair times range from 2 minutes to 30 minutes.
  • Renewal Range: Renewal range is a multiplier that is cheaper for longer periods.
  • Cheapest Option: Insurance will always be the cheapest option now.
  • Detailed Insurance Logs: Added detailed insurance logs.
  • Test Drives Affect Insurance: Test drives now affect your daily driver insurance.

Insurance Policies
Each policy has specific perks with customizable parameters:
  • Paint Repair:
    • Choices: true, false
    • Premium Influence: 150, 0
  • Repair Time:
    • Choices: 120, 300, 600, 1800 seconds
    • Premium Influence: 300, 100, 25, 10
  • Deductible:
    • Choices: 5%, 10%, 15%, 25%
    • Premium Influence: 300, 200, 125, 50
  • Renewal:
    • Choices: 25000, 50000, 100000, 150000 km
    • Premium Influence: 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5
  • Roadside Assistance:
    • Choices: true, false
    • Premium Influence: 110, 0
Policy Score
  • Dynamic Calculation: The policy score is now based on how much the insurance has to pay divided by an interval determined by your repair time selection.
  • Impact of Deductible: If you have a lower deductible percentage, insurance will have to cover more, making your score go up faster.
  • Impact of Repair Time: Faster repair times will also make your insurance score go up.
  • Score Multiplier: The rate increase is multiplied by your score, meaning higher insurance scores result in more significant increases.
  • Policy Score Deduction: The deduction is now 10% of the score, making insurance go down faster.
  • Renewal Term: The rate at which the policy score deduction occurs is based on the renewal term. Every term without an accident will reduce your policy score.
  • Minimum Policy Score: The minimum policy score is now 0.5, allowing for cheaper insurance if you never use it or get caught by police.
This new system encourages safer driving and careful management of insurance coverage to maintain lower costs.


  • Reworked Dealerships: Car dealerships and categories have been reworked.
  • Increased Inventory: More cars available at each dealership.
  • Faster Refresh: Cars refresh more quickly in dealerships.
  • Wider Price Range: Vehicles now have a wider range of prices, making it possible to get a good deal and sell a car for a profit.
  • Vehicle Valuation and Depreciation: Vehicles are valued and depreciate differently, making them not as cheap due to still being fully functional.

Dealership Lore
  • Belasco Auto: Specializes in new and lightly used reasonably priced cars.
  • Rich's Motor Company: Sells expensive/exotic cars, rare trims of classic cars, and high-end race cars.
  • Jefferson Motors: Focuses on cheaper classic cars, race cars, and custom cars, positioning itself as a custom shop.
  • Quarryside Auto Sales: Expanded into used cheap trucks and SUVs to stay relevant.
  • Commercial Vehicle Sales: Offers retired service/police vehicles and commercial/fleet vehicles

RLS Career Mission Repeat - separate download here

This will allow you to repeat missions in career. Complete a mission in career, reload your save, and repeat the same mission. This works by simply disabling mission progress saving. Mission progress still saves until you reload your save.

For missions that are locked

by other missions you will need to complete the requisite missions again each time you load in.

Please let us know if you encounter any errors. Please also let me know what ideas/ suggestions/ requests you have. Enjoy the new features and improvements!

As for permissions, please message me before using this mod in your mods. I'd be more just curious on how you plan to implement it. If I don’t respond within a month, however, consider the permission given. (I don’t want progress or ideas to stop if I ever go MIA)

Also special thanks to krallopian and 23Terrabytes for their motivation and wisdom.



Known bugs:

  • Occasionally police will randomly target you as if they are chasing you even when not in pursuit.

Existing saves:
If you are using this with an existing save, first off be careful. I don't want to ruin your save. I highly suggest starting a new career. However, Previous save games should still be compatible. To convert your save:
  1. Download the rls_save_converter
  2. Place RLS_save_converter in your mods folder
  3. Start BeamNG
  4. Disable all RLS Mods
  5. Enable converter mod
  6. Open existing career save
  7. Close existing career save
  8. Disable converter mod - this only needs to be done one time
  9. Enable RLS Career Overhaul Mod.

When updating, Replace old files with new ones.

Released possible fix for police ai ramming
Fixed an issue with vanilla missions not showing

7/12/2024 10:30pm V2 Is out!

5/28/2024 1:30pm
RLS Championships 0.32.1.c

  • Added 2nd off-road area
  • Added 7 new off-road missions
  • Added 2 new drift missions
  • Changed map TOD for different lighting

5/10/2024 1:45pm
RLS Championships 0.32.1.b
  • Added small off-road trail area with rock crawling and mud bog
  • Added rock crawl event
  • Added 2 mud bog events
RLS Career Overhaul 0.32.1
  • Reduced police down from 2 to 1

5/5/2024 0.32.1A 2:45pm:
RLS Championships 0.32.1.a
  • Added custom mud bog track for mud drag racing
  • Added 2 ai mud races

5/3/2024 0.32.1 11:00pm:
RLS Championships
  • Fixed ai Pathing on races
  • Adjusted free roam map ai paths
  • Change West Coast map time of day (better lighting)

5/3/2024 0.32.1 6:35pm:
RLS Career Overhaul / RLS Career Overhaul No Police
Fixed Stop light cameras and Speed cameras from giving ticket when driving Police Vehicle.
Also increased the cost of camera tickets.

5/3/2024 0.32.1 5:45pm:
RLS Career Overhaul No Police
Added RLS Career Overhaul No Police

4/28/2024 0.32.1 Hotfix update:
RLS Career Overhaul

  • Fixed Ai spawning issues.
  • Scaled back economy for deliveries.
  • Adjusted standard insurance price to be 15% percentage of cost of car.
  • Adjusted refresh rate of deliveries so deliveries expire at the same times.
  • Doubled the police amount,
  • Slightly increased evade radius so it's harder to get away.
RLS Custom Championships
  • Fully removed custom map changes, should remove day/night cycle
  • Added a couple of Drift challenges, these are rough drafts, tweaks may need to be made. Hopefully more Drift events to come.

4/19/2024 Hotfix 2 0.32.0:
Finished updating deliveries.

4/19/2024 Hotfix 0.32.0:
Deliveries were broken, but they are working now. Still working on updating and tweaking deliveries

WIP Beta released - RLS Career Overhaul V2.0! New Update! (2025)
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Article information

Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Last Updated:

Views: 5593

Rating: 4.3 / 5 (64 voted)

Reviews: 87% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.