Pender County NC Property Information (2024)

"; var dataletHeaderLink = "" + parid + ""; dataletLink = "Datalets/Datalet.aspx?mode=&UseSearch=no&pin=" + parid + "&jur=" + jur + "&taxyr=" + taxyr; var dataletHeaderHtml = GetAndChangeDataletHeaderOnIdentifyPopUp(pin); dataletHeaderHtml = dataletHeaderHtml.replace(/&/gi,"&"); dataletHeaderHtml = dataletHeaderHtml.replace(/class=/gi,"style='background-color: #F4F4F4;' class="); dataletHeaderHtml = dataletHeaderHtml.replace(/height="10"/gi,"height='0'"); dataletHeaderHtml = dataletHeaderHtml.replace(parid,dataletHeaderLink); if (hasManyPins) perc = "79"; else perc = "100"; //var dataletHeader = "

" + dataletHeaderHtml + "

" var dataletHeader = "

" + dataletHeaderHtml + "

" //debugger; dataletHeader = dataletHeader + mapLinks; if (hasManyPins) dataletHeader = dataletHeader + identRecNavHtml; var divName = "tc" + String(divN); var divNameHead = divName + "_header"; var divNameTab = divName + "_tab"; require(["dojo/dom-construct"], function(domConstruct){ //debugger; tcdn = dijit.byId(divName); if (tcdn!=null) { // Destroy a node byId: domConstruct.destroy(divName); //destroyrecursive? //dojo.destroy("tc1-prog2"); domConstruct.destroy(divNameHead); domConstruct.destroy(divNameTab); //tcdn.destroyRecursive(); } }); divN = divN + 1; divName = "tc" + String(divN); divNameHead = divName + "_header"; divNameTab = divName + "_tab"; require(["dojo/ready", "dijit/layout/TabContainer", "dijit/layout/ContentPane"], function(ready, TabContainer, ContentPane){ ready(function(){ chkDvi = document.getElementById(divName); if (chkDvi==null) { var newDivHolder = dojo.create("div", {}, "tc1-prog2"); = divName; var newDivHeader = dojo.create("div", {}, divName); = divNameHead; newDivHeader.innerHTML = dataletHeader; var newDivTab = dojo.create("div", {}, divName); = divNameTab; } var tc = new TabContainer({ style: "height: 100%; width: 100%; border: solid 0px pink; overflow: hidden;", usem*nu: false, useSlider: false, }, divNameTab); //debugger; var tabToSelect = null; var tab2Sel = null; var cp1 = new ContentPane({ title: "Parcel", content: "" }); tc.addChild(cp1); tabToSelect = cp1; var cp2 = new ContentPane({ title: "Sales", content: "" }); tc.addChild(cp2); if (curSelectedTab==null && tabToSelect==null) tabToSelect = cp2; else if (curSelectedTab!=null && curSelectedTab.title==cp2.title) tabToSelect = cp2; else tab2Sel = cp2; var cp4 = new ContentPane({ title: "Photo", content: "

Pender County NC Property Information (22)

" }); tc.addChild(cp4); if (curSelectedTab==null && tabToSelect==null) tabToSelect = cp4; else if (curSelectedTab!=null && curSelectedTab.title==cp4.title) tabToSelect = cp4; else tab2Sel = cp4; tc.selectChild(tab2Sel); tc.startup(); tc.selectChild(tabToSelect);"selectedChildWidget", function(name, oval, nval){ //debugger; //console.log("selected child changed from ", oval, " to ", nval); curSelectedTab = nval; if (nval.title=="Pictometry") refeshPictTab(); }); currentTabControl = tc; //cp = dijit.byId("tc1-prog").domNode; //cp = document.getElementById("tc1-prog"); finalHtmlContent = newDivHolder; }); }); return finalHtmlContent; }function refeshPictTab() { //alert('"Pictometry"'); picIFrame = document.getElementById('picFrame'); //tail='&r+'+Math.round(Math.random*10000); picIFrame.src = picIFrame.src;// + tail;}var lat;var lon;function SetLatLongForLinks(latitude,longitude) { //debugger; lat = latitude; lon = longitude;}function QueryAGSParcelMapServiceForLatLong(gisPins, geometry) { //debugger; if (pictometryParcelServiceQueryUrl.length<1 || pictometryParcelServiceQueryUrl.indexOf("")>-1) return; var queryTask = new esri.tasks.QueryTask(pictometryParcelServiceQueryUrl); //build query filter var query = new esri.tasks.Query(); query.returnGeometry = true; query.outFields = [targetfieldname]; if (geometry != null) query.geometry = geometry; if (gisPins.length>0) { gisPinsWQuotes = "'" + gisPins.replace(/,/gi,"','") + "'"; var dirty = (new Date()).getTime(); //query.where = targetfieldname + " in (" + gisPinsWQuotes + ")"; if (makeQueryWhereDirty) query.where = targetfieldname + " in (" + gisPinsWQuotes + ") OR " + targetfieldname + "='" + dirty + "'"; else query.where = targetfieldname + " in (" + gisPinsWQuotes + ")"; } dojo.connect(queryTask, "onError", function(error) { //debugger; er = error; showProgressImage(false); if (error.code==400 && error.details.length>0) { if (error.details[0]=="Unable to perform query. Please check your parameters.") { if (geometry!=null) mesg = "Unable to perform query. You may have exceeded the maximum of " + maxMappedParcels + " parcels or you have drawn illegal geometry . Try not to select so many parcels or draw overly complex polygons that crossover or create holes. Please try again."; else mesg = "Unable to perform query. You may have exceeded the maximum of " + maxMappedParcels + " parcels. Please try again."; } } else mesg = "Error executing Query. Error: " + error.code + ": " + error.details[0] + " Please try again."; ShowMessage(mesg,true,true); return; }); //Can listen for onComplete event to process results or can use the callback option in the queryTask.execute method. dojo.connect(queryTask, "onComplete", function(featureSet) { //debugger; var polysExtent = null; if (featureSet!=null && featureSet.features!=null) featureCount = featureSet.features.length; if (featureCount==0) { mesg = "Could not find parcel from map service. No geographic information exists for this parcel."; ShowMessage(mesg,true,true); return; } else if (featureCount>=maxQueryFeatures) { mesg = "You have exceeded the maximum number of " + maxQueryFeatures + " selected parcels. Please try again using a smaller selection."; ShowMessage(mesg,true,true); return; } else { for (var i = 0; i < featureCount; i++) { //Get the current feature from the featureSet. //Feature is a graphic var graphic = featureSet.features[i]; if (graphic!=null) { if (polysExtent==null) polysExtent = graphic.geometry.getExtent(); else polysExtent.union(graphic.geometry.getExtent()); //this calculates centerpoint of multiple polys based on the centerpoint of the overall combined extent centerpoint point = polysExtent.getCenter(); if (point!=null && point.x!=null) { latitude = point.y; longitude = point.x; newLatLong = true; } } } if (newLatLong) SetLatLongForLinks(latitude,longitude); else SetLatLongForLinks(null,null); showProgressImage(false); } });queryTask.execute(query);showProgressImage(true);}//var largePhotoShowing = false;var photoTabLarge = document.getElementById('PhotoTabLarge');var skechTabLarge = document.getElementById('SketchTabLarge');function hideLargeSketch() { $("#SketchTabLarge").slideUp(150);}function showLargeSketch(imgEl) { sImgHtml = "

Pender County NC Property Information (23)

"; sImgHtml = sImgHtml + "Pender County NC Property Information (24)"; skechTabLarge.innerHTML = sImgHtml; = map.infoWindow.coords.x+'px'; = map.infoWindow.coords.y+'px'; $("#SketchTabLarge").slideDown(150); }function hideLargePhoto() { $("#PhotoTabLarge").slideUp(150); //$("#PhotoTabLarge").hide();}function showLargePhoto(imgEl) { //debugger; //var pt = map.toMap(screenPoint); //map.toMap(map.infoWindow.coords.x),map.toMap(map.infoWindow.coords.y) //var pt = new esri.geometry.Point(,map.spatialReference) //var sms = new esri.symbol.SimpleMarkerSymbol().setStyle(esri.symbol.SimpleMarkerSymbol.STYLE_SQUARE).setColor(new dojo.Color([255,0,0,0.5])); //var attr = {"XCoord":map.infoWindow.coords.x,"YCoord":map.infoWindow.coords.y,"Photo":"123"}; //var infoTemplate = new esri.InfoTemplate("Vernal Pool Locations","Latitude: ${YCoord}
Longitude: ${XCoord}
Plant Name:${Plant}"); //var graphic = new esri.Graphic(pt,sms,attr,infoTemplate); //; //largePhotoShowing = true; sImgHtml = "

Pender County NC Property Information (25)

"; sImgHtml = sImgHtml + "Pender County NC Property Information (26)"; photoTabLarge.innerHTML = sImgHtml; = map.infoWindow.coords.x+'px'; = map.infoWindow.coords.y+'px'; //$("#PhotoTabLarge").show(); $("#PhotoTabLarge").slideDown(150); }//function followMouseDrag(e) {// //debugger;// if (largePhotoShowing) {// = map.infoWindow.coords.x;// = map.infoWindow.coords.y;// showMessage("X:" + map.infoWindow.coords.x + " Y:" + map.infoWindow.coords.y);// }// //}function GetDataletHtml(name, parId, taxYear, jur, ownerSeq, active){var pars = SoapBuildInputParam("name", name);pars += SoapBuildInputParam("parId", parId);pars += SoapBuildInputParam("taxYear", taxYear);pars += SoapBuildInputParam("jur", jur);pars += SoapBuildInputParam("ownerSeq", ownerSeq);pars += SoapBuildInputParam("active", "Y");var html = SoapInvokeService("../Datalets/Services/DataletServices.asmx", "MakeSimpleDatalet", pars, false); if (html.length<1) return "No Data"; return html;}var winPopupWidth = 450;var winPopupHeight = 350;var winLinkWidth = window.screen.availWidth - 20;var winLinkHeight = window.screen.availHeight -20;var winLinkLeft = 10;var winLinkTop = 10;//var t = screen.height / 2;//var l = screen.height / 2;function LaunchPRMDatalet() { var url = "" + dataletLink;, '', "_fullscreen=yes, titlebar=yes, location=no, toolbar=yes, status=no, menubar=yes, resizable=yes, scrollbars=yes");}function GetDataAndShowPictometry(sParid,sJur,sTaxyr) { strPin = sJur + ":" + sParid + ":" + sTaxyr; if (linksAreExternal) { if (lat==null || lon==null) { mesg = "Cannot not retrieve coordinates for current parcel."; ShowMessage(mesg,true,true); return; } url = POLLinkUrl + "&lat=" + lat + "&lon=" + lon; //"&lat=44.74275&lon=-93.20669"; sW = winLinkWidth; sH = winLinkHeight; l = winLinkLeft; t = winLinkTop; } else { sW = winPopupWidth; sH = winPopupHeight; l = window.event.clientX; t = window.event.clientY; url = "" + strPin + "&fullWindow=true&w=" + sW + "px&h=" + sH + "px"; }, 'Pictometry', "_fullscreen=yes, top=" + t + ", left=" + l + ", width=" + sW + ", height=" + sH + ", titlebar=no, location=no, toolbar=no, status=no, menubar=no, resizable=yes, scrollbars=yes");}function GetDataAndShowMap(sParid,sJur,sTaxyr) { strPin = sJur + ":" + sParid + ":" + sTaxyr; sW = winPopupWidth; sH = winPopupHeight; l = window.event.clientX; t = window.event.clientY; url = "" + strPin + "&parid=" + sParid + "&jur=" + sJur + "&taxyr=" + sTaxyr + "&fullWindow=true"; //&w=" + sW + "px&h=" + sH + "px"; //http://localhost/iasworld/Maps/SimpleMap.aspx?pageType=Photo&plotParcelsAsPolys=true&jur=000&parid=001001 J00003, 'Map', 'top=0, left=0, location=no, scrollbars=no, menubar=no, resizable=yes, height=' + screenHeight + ', width=' + screenWidth); //, 'Map', "_fullscreen=yes, top=" + t + ", left=" + l + ", width=" + sW + ", height=" + sH + ", titlebar=no, location=no, toolbar=no, status=no, menubar=no, resizable=yes, scrollbars=yes"); //ArcGISMaps/ArcGISMap.aspx?pageType=iAnalyze2Overview&pins=000:L0159G%20A00021:2003&jur=000&taxyr=2003} function GetDataAndShowGoogleMap(sParid,sJur,sTaxyr) { strPin = sJur + ":" + sParid + ":" + sTaxyr; if (linksAreExternal) { if (lat==null || lon==null) { mesg = "Cannot not retrieve coordinates for current parcel."; ShowMessage(mesg,true,true); return; } sW = winLinkWidth; sH = winLinkHeight; l = winLinkLeft; t = winLinkTop; //url = "" + lat + "," + lon + "&hl=en&ll=" + lat + "," + lon + "&spn=0.001737,0.003259&sll=" + lat + "," + lon + "&sspn=0.006947,0.013036&vpsrc=0&mra=mift&mrsp=1&sz=17&t=h&z=19&iwloc=ddw1";//&vpsrc=6&mra=mift&mrsp=1&sz=17&t=m&z=19&iwloc=ddw1"; url = "" + lat + "," + lon + "&hl=en&ll=" + lat + "," + lon + "&spn=0.001084,0.001608&sll=" + lat + "," + lon + "&sspn=0.006947,0.013036&vpsrc=6&mra=mift&mrsp=1&sz=17&t=h&z=20&iwloc=ddw1"; } else { sW = winPopupWidth; sH = winPopupHeight; l = window.event.clientX; t = window.event.clientY; url = "" + sParid + "&jur=" + sJur + "&taxyr=" + sTaxyr + "&fullWindow=true&w=" + sW + "px&h=" + sH + "px"; }, 'GoogleMap', "_fullscreen=yes, top=" + t + ", left=" + l + ", width=" + sW + ", height=" + sH + ", titlebar=no, location=no, toolbar=no, status=no, menubar=no, resizable=yes, scrollbars=yes"); //iAnalyzeV2/GoogleMap.aspx?googleMapType=Basic&parids=L0159G%20A00021&jur=000&taxyr=2003}function GetDataAndShowVEMap(sParid,sJur,sTaxyr) { strPin = sJur + ":" + sParid + ":" + sTaxyr; if (linksAreExternal) { if (lat==null || lon==null) { mesg = "Cannot not retrieve coordinates for current parcel."; ShowMessage(mesg,true,true); return; } sW = winLinkWidth; sH = winLinkHeight; l = winLinkLeft; t = winLinkTop; //url = "" + lat + "~" + lon + "&lvl=19&dir=0&sty=r&rtp=adr.~pos." + lat + "_" + lon + "____a_&mode=D&rtop=0~0~0~&form=LMLTCC"; url = "" + lat + "~" + lon + "&lvl=20&dir=0&sty=h&rtp=adr.~pos." + lat + "_" + lon + "____a_&mode=D&rtop=0~0~0~&form=LMLTCC"; } else { sW = winPopupWidth; sH = winPopupHeight; l = window.event.clientX; t = window.event.clientY; url = "" + sParid + "&jur=" + sJur + "&taxyr=" + sTaxyr + "&fullWindow=true&w=" + sW + "px&h=" + sH + "px"; }, 'VEMap', "_fullscreen=yes, top=" + t + ", left=" + l + ", width=" + sW + ", height=" + sH + ", titlebar=no, location=no, toolbar=no, status=no, menubar=no, resizable=yes, scrollbars=yes"); //iAnalyzeV2/VirtualEarth.aspx?pin=L0159G%20A00021&jur=000&taxyr=2003}function GetDataKml(sParid,sJur,sTaxyr) { var url = 'GoogleEarth.aspx?pin=' + sParid + "&jur=" + sJur + "&taxyr=" + sTaxyr; url = url + "&lat=" + lat + "&lon=" + lon;;}dojo.addOnLoad(init); //add error handler to display any error messages//function errorHandler(error) {// alert(error.message);//}var numExports = 0;var numExported = 0;var layerOpacities = [];var layerTileUrls = [];var tileUrls = [];var dynamicUrls = [];var features = [];function exportMap() { //debugger; layerOpacities = [];layerTileUrls = [];tileUrls = [];dynamicUrls = [];features = [];graphics = ""; showProgressImage(true); lo=0;for (var j = 0, jl = map.layerIds.length; j < jl; j++) { var layer = map.getLayer(map.layerIds[j]); if (layer.visible) { GetLayerInfoForMerge(layer,lo); lo=lo+1; }} graphics = GetScreenGraphic(); //alert('tileUrls: ' + tileUrls); //alert('dynamicUrls: ' + dynamicUrls); //alert('features: ' + features); //alert('graphics: ' + graphics); //debugger; CombineImageService.CombineImages(dojo.toJson(tileUrls), dojo.toJson(dynamicUrls), dojo.toJson(features), graphics, mapCtrlHeight, mapCtrlWidth, imageFormat, OnComplete2, OnTimeOut2, OnError2); //"StreamAGSJSMapImage.aspx?tileUrls=" + dojo.toJson(tileUrls) + "&dynamicUrls=" + dojo.toJson(dynamicUrls) + "&features=" + dojo.toJson(features) + "&graphics=" + graphics);}function OnComplete2(arg) { showProgressImage(false); document.getElementById("isPrintReady").value = "yesprintready"; if (bPorE=="download") arg = arg + "&forceDownload=true"; document.getElementById("printUrl").value = arg; //extCom = window.external; //debugger;; //window.location = arg;}function OnTimeOut2(arg) { //alert("TimeOut: " + arg); mesg = "TimeOut error occurred:" + arg + ". This error could be due to the Map Server timing out or not supporting the request made. ie.(map server may not support images of this size, check your server settings)."; ShowMessage(mesg,true,true);}function OnError2(arg) { //alert("Error: " + arg); mesg = "Error occurred: " + arg; ShowMessage(mesg,true,true);}function GetLayerInfoForMerge(layer,layerOrder) { var extent =; var height =; var width =; if (false) { //layer instanceof esri.layers.ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer) { var candidateTileInfo = esri.TileUtils.getCandidateTileInfo(, layer.tileInfo, extent); var layerTileUrls = []; var tileXOffset = Math.ceil(width / layer.tileInfo.width); var tileYOffset = Math.ceil(height / layer.tileInfo.height); // the internal function name prefix change to __ in v1.5 var delta = ? :; for ( var x = 0; x <= tileXOffset; x++) { for ( var y = 0; y <= tileYOffset; y++) { var tileUrl = layer.url + "/tile/" + + "/" + (candidateTileInfo.tile.coords.row + y) + "/" + (candidateTileInfo.tile.coords.col + x); layerTileUrls.push( { "url" : ConvertUrlToAbsolute(tileUrl), "row" : candidateTileInfo.tile.coords.row + y, "col" : candidateTileInfo.tile.coords.col + x }); } } tileUrls.push( { "layerOrder" : layerOrder, "tiles" : layerTileUrls, "transparency" : layer.opacity, "clipOptions" : { "offsetX" : candidateTileInfo.tile.offsets.x - delta.x, "offsetY" : candidateTileInfo.tile.offsets.y - delta.y, "width" : width, "height" : height } }); } else if (layer instanceof esri.layers.ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer || layer instanceof esri.layers.ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer || layer instanceof esri.layers.ArcGISImageServiceLayer) { var dynamicUrl = layer.url + "/export?bbox=" + extent.xmin + "," + extent.ymin + "," + extent.xmax + "," + extent.ymax + "&size=" + width + "," + height + "&transparent=true&format=png24&f=image"; if (layer instanceof esri.layers.ArcGISImageServiceLayer) { dynamicUrl = dynamicUrl.replace("export?", "exportImage?"); } else { // handle layer visibility... if (layer.visibleLayers.length > 0) { dynamicUrl += "&layers=show:"; } for ( var i = 0; i < layer.visibleLayers.length; i++) { dynamicUrl += layer.visibleLayers[i]; dynamicUrl += i + 1 < layer.visibleLayers.length ? "," : ""; } } dynamicUrls.push( { "layerOrder" : layerOrder, "url" : ConvertUrlToAbsolute(dynamicUrl), "width" :, "height" :, "extent" :, "transparency" : layer.opacity }); } else if (layer instanceof esri.layers.GraphicsLayer) { var geometries = []; var colors = []; var graphics =; for ( var i = 0; i < graphics.length; i++) { var geometry = esri.geometry.toScreenGeometry( extent, width, height, graphics[i].geometry); if (geometry instanceof esri.geometry.Polygon) { geometries.push({ "geometryType" : "esriGeometryPolygon", "rings" : geometry.rings, "symbol" : graphics[i].symbol.toJson() }); } else if (geometry instanceof esri.geometry.Point) { geometries.push({ "geometryType" : "esriGeometryPoint", "x" : geometry.x, "y" : geometry.y, "symbol" : graphics[i].symbol.toJson() }); } else if (geometry instanceof esri.geometry.Polyline) { geometries.push({ "geometryType" : "esriGeometryPolyline", "paths" : geometry.paths, "symbol" : graphics[i].symbol.toJson() }); } else { console.log("Unknown geometry: ", geometry); } colors.push( graphics[i].symbol.color); } features.push({ "layerOrder" : layerOrder, "geometries" : geometries, "colors" : colors, "transparency" : 0.5, "width" : width, "height" : height }); } }function exportMap3() { var extent =; var height =; var width =; showProgressImage(true); numExports = 0; numExported = 0; var imgParams = new esri.layers.ImageParameters(); imgParams.bbox = extent; imgParams.width = width; imgParams.height = height; imgParams.transparent = false; //base map not transparent var imageList = ""; var tileList = ""; for (var j = 0, jl = map.layerIds.length; j < jl; j++) { var layer = map.getLayer(map.layerIds[j]); if (layer.visible) { if (numExports>1) imgParams.transparent = true; //layer.setImageFormat("png24"); if (layer.declaredClass=="esri.layers.ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer") { //var layer2 = new esri.layers.ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer(layer.url, { id: "temp"+j, visible: true }); //layer2.setImageFormat("png24"); //layer2.setOpacity(layer.opacity); //layer = layer2; var candidateTileInfo = esri.TileUtils.getCandidateTileInfo(map, layer.tileInfo, extent); var layerTileUrls = []; var tileXOffset = Math.ceil(width / layer.tileInfo.width); var tileYOffset = Math.ceil(height / layer.tileInfo.height); // the internal function name prefix change to __ in v1.5 var delta = ? :; for ( var x = 0; x <= tileXOffset; x++) { for ( var y = 0; y <= tileYOffset; y++) { var tileUrl = layer.url + "/tile/" + + "/" + (candidateTileInfo.tile.coords.row + y) + "/" + (candidateTileInfo.tile.coords.col + x); layerTileUrls.push( { "url" : ConvertUrlToAbsolute(tileUrl), "row" : candidateTileInfo.tile.coords.row + y, "col" : candidateTileInfo.tile.coords.col + x }); } } tileUrls.push( { "tiles" : layerTileUrls, "transparency" : layer.opacity, "clipOptions" : { "offsetX" : candidateTileInfo.tile.offsets.x - delta.x, "offsetY" : candidateTileInfo.tile.offsets.y - delta.y, "width" : width, "height" : height } }); } else { layer.setImageFormat("png24"); layerOpacities.push(layer.opacity); numExports = numExports + 1; layer.exportMapImage(imgParams, function (mapImage) { //debugger; if (imageList.length>0) imageList += "$"; //if (imageList.length>0) imageList = "$" + imageList; imageList += mapImage.href + ";" + layerOpacities[numExported]; //imageList = mapImage.href + ";" + layerOpacities[numExported] + imageList numExported = numExported + 1; if (numExported==numExports) { //Get screen graphics imageList += "|" + GetScreenGraphic(); //ajax call the web service to blend images //alert(imageList); //alert(tileUrls); CombineImageService.CombineImageList(imageList, tileUrls, OnComplete, OnTimeOut, OnError); } }); } }}}function ConvertUrlToAbsolute(url) { if (url) { if (url.indexOf("http") != 0) { var escapeHTML = function (s) { return s.split('&').join('&').split('<').join('<').split('"').join('"'); }; var el= document.createElement('div'); el.innerHTML= 'x'; url = el.childNodes[0].href; } } return url;}function exportMap2() { showProgressImage(true); numExports = 0; numExported = 0; var imgParams = new esri.layers.ImageParameters(); imgParams.bbox = map.extent; imgParams.width = map.width; imgParams.height = map.height; imgParams.transparent = false; //base map not transparent var imageList = ""; for (var j = 0, jl = map.layerIds.length; j < jl; j++) { var layer = map.getLayer(map.layerIds[j]); if (layer.visible) { if (numExports>1) imgParams.transparent = true; //layer.setImageFormat("png24"); if (layer.declaredClass=="esri.layers.ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer") { var layer2 = new esri.layers.ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer(layer.url, { id: "temp"+j, visible: true }); layer2.setImageFormat("png24"); layer2.setOpacity(layer.opacity); layer = layer2; } else layer.setImageFormat("png24"); layerOpacities.push(layer.opacity); numExports = numExports + 1; layer.exportMapImage(imgParams, function (mapImage) { //debugger; if (imageList.length>0) imageList += "$"; //if (imageList.length>0) imageList = "$" + imageList; imageList += mapImage.href + ";" + layerOpacities[numExported]; //imageList = mapImage.href + ";" + layerOpacities[numExported] + imageList numExported = numExported + 1; if (numExported==numExports) { //Get screen graphics imageList += "|" + GetScreenGraphic(); //ajax call the web service to blend images //alert(imageList); CombineImageService.CombineImageList(imageList, OnComplete, OnTimeOut, OnError); //SimpleService.BlendImageList(imageList, OnComplete, OnTimeOut, OnError); } }); } }}function PushGraphicsFromLayersToMapGraphicLayer() { for (var l=0; l= 0) { graphicType = "CIRCLE"; rgb = graphicSymbol.replace("simplemarkersymbol_circle_", ""); } else if (graphicSymbol.indexOf("simplemarkersymbol_square_") >= 0) { graphicType = "SQUARE"; rgb = graphicSymbol.replace("simplemarkersymbol_square_", ""); } else if (graphicSymbol.indexOf("simplemarkersymbol_x_") >= 0) { graphicType = "CROSS"; rgb = graphicSymbol.replace("simplemarkersymbol_x_", ""); } //'undefined' means text or picture symbol - check with new ESRI JS release else if (graphicSymbol.indexOf("textsymbol_undefined_") >= 0) { graphicType = "CIRCLE"; graphicText = graphics[i].symbol.text; rgb = graphicSymbol.replace("textsymbol_undefined_", ""); } //replace rgb with picture url else if (graphicSymbol.indexOf("picturemarkersymbol_undefined_") >= 0) { graphicType = "CIRCLE"; graphicText = graphics[i].symbol.width + "-" + graphics[i].symbol.height; rgb = graphics[i].symbol.url; } graphicList += graphicType + ";" + rgb + ";"; point = new esri.geometry.Point(graphics[i].geometry.x, graphics[i].geometry.y, map.spatialReference); screenPoint = map.toScreen(point); graphicList += graphicText + ";" + screenPoint.x + "," + screenPoint.y + "$"; } else if (type === "line" || type === "polyline") { graphicSymbol = (graphics[i].symbol.type + "_" + graphics[i] + "_" + graphics[i].symbol.color.r + "_" + graphics[i].symbol.color.g + "_" + graphics[i].symbol.color.b); graphicText = ""; rgb = ""; if (graphicSymbol.indexOf("simplelinesymbol_solid_") >= 0) { graphicType = "LINE"; rgb = graphicSymbol.replace("simplelinesymbol_solid_", ""); } graphicList += graphicType + ";" + rgb + ";"; for (var p = 0; p < graphics[i].geometry.paths.length; p++) { for (var j = 0; j < graphics[i].geometry.paths[p].length; j++) { xy = graphics[i].geometry.paths[p][j]; point = new esri.geometry.Point(parseFloat(xy[0]), parseFloat(xy[1]), map.spatialReference); screenPoint = map.toScreen(point); graphicList += screenPoint.x + "," + screenPoint.y + "%"; } } graphicList = graphicList.substring(0, graphicList.length - 1); graphicList += "$"; } else if (type === "polygon") { graphicSymbol = (graphics[i].symbol.type + "_" + graphics[i] + "_" + graphics[i].symbol.outline.color.r + "_" + graphics[i].symbol.outline.color.g + "_" + graphics[i].symbol.outline.color.b); graphicText = ""; rgb = ""; //polygon with fills - with limited support of predefined style - must add here if new style is added if (graphics[i].symbol._fill != null) { graphicSymbol += "_" + graphics[i].symbol._fill.r + "_" + graphics[i].symbol._fill.g + "_" + graphics[i].symbol._fill.b + "_" + graphics[i].symbol._fill.a; //Format:simplefillsymbol_solid_255_0_0_255_255_0_0.5 (outline rgb + fill rgbr) if (graphicSymbol.indexOf("simplefillsymbol_solid_") >= 0) { graphicType = "FILLPOLYGON"; rgb = graphicSymbol.replace("simplefillsymbol_solid_", ""); } } else {//Polygon without fill if (graphicSymbol.indexOf("simplefillsymbol_solid_") >= 0) { graphicType = "HOLLOWPOLYGON"; rgb = graphicSymbol.replace("simplefillsymbol_solid_", ""); } else if (graphicSymbol == "simplefillsymbol_dashdot_") { graphicType = "DASHPOLYGON"; rgb = graphicSymbol.replace("simplefillsymbol_dashdot_", ""); } } graphicList += graphicType + ";" + rgb + ";"; var uniqueList = []; for (var k = 0; k < graphics[i].geometry.rings.length; k++) { for (var l = 0; l < graphics[i].geometry.rings[k].length; l++) { xy = graphics[i].geometry.rings[k][l]; //prevent drawing from 1st to last point if (IsInList(uniqueList, xy[0] + "," + xy[1]) == true) { graphicList = graphicList.substring(0, graphicList.length - 1); graphicList += "$" + graphicType + ";" + rgb + ";"; uniqueList = []; } else { uniqueList.push(xy[0] + "," + xy[1]); point = new esri.geometry.Point(parseFloat(xy[0]), parseFloat(xy[1]), map.spatialReference); screenPoint = map.toScreen(point); graphicList += screenPoint.x + "," + screenPoint.y + "%"; } } } graphicList = graphicList.substring(0, graphicList.length - 1); graphicList += "$"; } } //remove last $ graphicList = graphicList.substring(0, graphicList.length - 1); return graphicList;}//Is an item in the listfunction IsInList(list, item) { for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { if (list[i] == item) { return true; } } return false;}function OnComplete(arg) { showProgressImage(false); //dojo.byId("BlendedImage").innerHTML = "Download blended image";;}function OnTimeOut(arg) { //alert("TimeOut: " + arg); mesg = "TimeOut error occurred:" + arg + ". This error could be due to the Map Server timing out or not supporting the request made. ie.(map server may not support images of this size, check your server settings)."; ShowMessage(mesg,true,true);}function OnError(arg) { //alert("Error: " + arg); mesg = "Error occurred: " + arg; ShowMessage(mesg,true,true);}function GetAndChangeDataletHeaderOnIdentifyPopUp(pin) { //debugger; var showBlankIdentifyHeaderOnError = false; var pars4 = SoapBuildInputParam("searchIndex", sIndex); pars4 += SoapBuildInputParam("pin", pin);newDataletHeaderHtml = SoapInvokeService("../Search/Services/SearchServices.asmx", "GetNewPinDataletHeaderHtml", pars4); if (newDataletHeaderHtml.indexOf("Error") > -1) { if (showBlankIdentifyHeaderOnError) return ""; var pars5 = SoapBuildInputParam("searchIndex", sIndex); pars5 += SoapBuildInputParam("pin", sPins); newDataletHeaderHtml = SoapInvokeService("../Search/Services/SearchServices.asmx", "GetNewPinDataletHeaderHtml", pars5); } //var dh = document.getElementById("dataletHeaderIdentifyPopUp"); //if (dh!=null) //{ // dh.innerHTML = newDataletHeaderHtml; //} return newDataletHeaderHtml;}///****ACX Map Callsvar orgList = "";var origSel = "";var ACParcels; //"jur:parid:taxyr:taskid:taskiconurl:usericonurl" var ACSelectedParcels;var ACCurrentParcel;//var ACGISParcels; //"gispin" //var ACGISSelectedParcels;//var ACGISCurrentParcel = "";var taskCount = 0;var selectedtaskCount = 0;var mappedtaskCount = 0;var listDetailsSpan = document.getElementById('listDetails');var isPlottingACList = false;var XYMissing = false;//"jur:parid:taxyr:taskid:taskiconurl:usericonurl"function InitializeList(list, selected, current) { //debugger; //alert("InitializeList: list:" + list); //if (map==null) return; isPlottingACList = true; //debugger; orgList = list; origSel = selected; selectionMode = "Normal"; clearMap(false); selectionMode = "InList"; //ACParcels = list//.split(","); //ACSelectedParcels = selected//.split(","); //ACCurrentParcel = current; //alert("InitializeList: list:" + list); //alert("InitializeList: selected:" + selected); //alert("InitializeList: current:" + current); //gisPins = ACGISParcels = GetNewGISPinsFromACPins(list); //ACGISSelectedParcels = GetNewGISPinsFromACPins(selected); //ACGISCurrentParcel = GetNewGISPinsFromACPins(current); //ACParcels = GetNewACListFromGISPinList(ACGISParcels,list); //ACSelectedParcels = GetNewACListFromGISPinList(ACGISSelectedParcels,selected); //ACCurrentParcel = GetNewACListFromGISPinList(ACGISCurrentParcel,current); ACParcels = list;//ACParcels = GetNewACList(list); ACSelectedParcels = selected;//ACSelectedParcels = GetNewACList(selected); //ACCurrentParcel = GetNewACList(current); //XYMissing = ACParcelListHasXY(ACParcels) gisPins = GetGISPinsFromNewACListWithGISPin(ACParcels); if (gisPins==null || gisPins.length<1) ShowMessage("The Parcel GIS key and/or xy centroid coordinates were not found in the View.",true,true); //alert("InitializeList: " + ACParcels.length + " recs in List:" + list + " Selected: " + selected + " Current: " + current); if (UpdateListDetails()>maxMappedParcels) { //gisPins = ACGISParcels = GetNewGISPinsFromACPins(selected); //ACParcels = GetNewACListFromGISPinList(ACGISParcels,selected); //ACParcels = selected; //ACParcels = GetNewACList(selected); //gisPins = GetGISPinsFromNewACListWithGISPin(ACParcels); //listsize = UpdateListDetails(); if (UpdateListDetails()>maxMappedParcels) { //gisPins = ACGISParcels = GetNewGISPinsFromACPins(""); //ACParcels = GetNewACListFromGISPinList(ACGISParcels,""); ACParcels = ""; //GetNewACList(""); gisPins=""; UpdateListDetails(); //ShowMessage("Unable to map list or selected. You have exceeded the maximum of " + maxMappedParcels + " parcels.\nPlease try filtering your list.",true,true); ShowMessage("Unable to map list. You have exceeded the maximum of " + maxMappedParcels + " parcels.\nPlease try filtering your list.",true,true); } //else { // ShowMessage("Unable to map entire list. You have exceeded the maximum of " + maxMappedParcels + " parcels.\nPlease try filtering your list. Only selected parcels will now be mapped.",true,true); // gisPins = GetGISPinsFromNewACListWithGISPin(ACParcels); // CreateAndMapFeatureSet(ACParcels);//initQuery(map, false, false, null, false); //} } else CreateAndMapFeatureSet(ACParcels);//initQuery(map, false, false, null, false); //debugger;}var start;function GetGISPinsFromNewACListWithGISPin(NewACListWithGISPin) { if (NewACListWithGISPin.length<1) return; //start = +new Date(); //"jur:parid:taxyr:taskid:taskiconurl:usericonurl:gispin" NewACListWithGISPinAr = NewACListWithGISPin.split(","); gisPinsCsv = ""; XCsv = ""; for (var l=0; l0) XYMissing = false; else XYMissing = true; if (gisPinsCsv.length<1) ShowMessage("No GIS Pins found. Please make sure the Activity Center Grid has the GIS Pins configured correctly.",true,true); //EndAndReportTime('GetGISPinsFromNewACListWithGISPin'); return gisPinsCsv;}function ACParcelListHasXY(NewACListWithGISPinAndXY) { NewACListWithGISPinAndXYAr = NewACListWithGISPinAndXY.split(","); XCsv = ""; x = ""; for (var l=0; l0) return true; else return false;}var dvT = document.getElementById("dvTiming");function EndAndReportTime(funcName) { return; //debugger; end = +new Date(); diff = end - start; diff = diff / 60 / 60; msg = funcName + ": " + diff; dvT.innerHTML = dvT.innerHTML + " : " + msg;}//function GetNewACList(aList) {// // return GetNewAcListWithGISPin(aList);//}//function GetNewAcListWithGISPin(ACListIn) {// if (ACListIn==null || ACListIn.length<1) return "";// //debugger;// replaceAmpersand = false;// if (ACListIn.indexOf("&")>0) {// //ACListIn = ACListIn.replace(/\//g,'123abc');// //ACListIn = ACListIn.replace(/\?/g,'123abc');// ACListIn = ACListIn.replace(/&/g,'123abc');// //ACListIn = ACListIn.replace(/=/g,'123abc');// replaceAmpersand = true;// }// //alert(ACListIn);// //ACListIn = "54:00728861:2011:201:myurl1:myurl2,54:06186009:2011:202:myurl3:myurl4,54:02002329:2011:203:myurl1:myurl2,54:05974534:2011:204:myurl1:myurl2,54:08961182:2011:205:myurl1:myurl2,54:08987939:2011:206:myurl1:myurl2,54:09888039:2011:207:myurl1:myurl2";// var pars = SoapBuildInputParam("ACList", ACListIn);// //pars += SoapBuildInputParam("unselPins", unselPins);// NewACList = SoapInvokeService("../Search/Services/SearchServices.asmx", "GetNewAcListWithGISPin", pars);// //alert(NewACList)// if (replaceAmpersand) NewACList = NewACList.replace(/123abc/g,"&");// //alert(NewACList);// return NewACList;//}function UpdateListDetails() { //debugger; //if (orgList!=null && orgList.length>0 && orgList.indexOf(",")>-1) taskCount = orgList.split(",").length; //else if (orgList.length>0) taskCount = 1; //else taskCount = 0; //if (origSel!=null && origSel.length>0 && origSel.indexOf(",")>-1) selectedtaskCount = origSel.split(",").length; //else if (origSel.length>0) selectedtaskCount = 1; //else selectedtaskCount = 0; if (gisPins!=null && gisPins.length>0 && gisPins.toString().indexOf(",")>-1) mappedtaskCount = gisPins.split(",").length; else if (gisPins!=null && gisPins.length>0) mappedtaskCount = 1; else mappedtaskCount = 0; //ACSelectedParcels if (ACSelectedParcels!=null && ACSelectedParcels.length>0 && ACSelectedParcels.indexOf(",")>-1) mappedSelectedtaskCount = ACSelectedParcels.split(",").length; else if (ACSelectedParcels!=null && ACSelectedParcels.length>0) mappedSelectedtaskCount = 1; else mappedSelectedtaskCount = 0; //listDetailsSpan.innerHTML = "List Size:" + taskCount + "Mapped:" + mappedFeatures;//"Selected: " + string(origSel); listDetailsSpan.innerHTML = mappedSelectedtaskCount + " of " + mappedFeatures + " selected on map"; return mappedtaskCount;}//function GetNewGISPinsFromACPins(pins) {// //debugger;// if (pins==null) return "";// if (pins.length<1) return "";// ACPinsAr = pins.split(",");// newpins = "";// for (var l=0; l-1) {// if (newacList.length<1) newacList = acListAr[m];// else newacList = newacList + "," + acListAr[m];// break;// }// }// }// return newacList;//}function GetACMarkerSymbolUrl(gispin) { //debugger; fullpin = ""; current = false; selected = false; //pin = GetNewPinsFromGisPins(gispin); //if (pin.indexOf(",")>-1) pin = pin.split(",")[0]; //if (ACCurrentParcel.indexOf(gispin)>-1) { // fullpin = ACCurrentParcel; // current = true; //} //else if (ACSelectedParcels.indexOf(gispin)>-1) { //acGisPinAr = ACGISSelectedParcels.split(","); acPinAr = ACSelectedParcels.split(","); for (var l=0; l-1) { fullpin = acPinAr[l]; selected = true; } } } else { //acGisPinAr = ACGISParcels.split(","); acPinAr = ACParcels.split(","); for (var l=0; l-1) fullpin = acPinAr[l]; } } if (fullpin.length<1) { //alert("GetACMarkerSymbolUrl: gispin=" + gispin + " , pin=" + pin); //return ""; } fullPinAr = fullpin.split(":"); url = fullPinAr[4]; viewbyObj = document.getElementById('viewtasksby'); if (viewbyObj!=null && viewbyObj.value=="Assignee") {url = fullPinAr[5]; url = url.substring(0,url.indexOf("&sel=")); //if (current) url = url + "&sel=2"; //else if (selected) url = url + "&sel=1"; else url = url + "&sel=0"; } else { //if (current) url = url.replace(".", "_F."); //else if (selected) url = url.replace(".", "_S."); } url = appLoc + "/" + url; return url;}function GetACItemFromListByGISPin(gisPin) { ParcelsAr = ACParcels.split(","); for (var p=0; p-1) { return ParcelsAr[p]; } } return "";}function zoomToSelectedParcelsInList() { //debugger; showProgressImage(true); if (selectedInListExtent!=null) map.setExtent(selectedInListExtent, true); //if (map.getLevel()==9) map.setLevel(8); showProgressImage(false);}function AddSelected(selected) { //lert('AddSelected:'+selected); //debugger; //ACSelectedParcels = GetNewACList(selected); if (selected.indexOf(":")==-1) { selected = GetACItemFromListByGISPin(selected); } //alert('AddSelected2:'+selected); SelectedParcelsAr = selected.split(','); //GetNewACList(selected).split(','); for (var l=0; l0) { if (ACSelectedParcels.indexOf(SelectedParcelsAr[p])==-1) { ACSelectedParcels = ACSelectedParcels + "," + SelectedParcelsAr[p]; } } else { ACSelectedParcels = SelectedParcelsAr[p]; } gph.setSymbol(GetCorrectSymbol(aGisPin)); break; } } } //} //catch(e){}; }} }function RemoveSelected(selected) { //debugger; if (selected.indexOf(":")==-1) { selected = GetACItemFromListByGISPin(selected); } SelectedParcelsAr = selected.split(','); //GetNewACList(selected).split(','); gLayersCount = map.graphicsLayerIds.length; for (var ll=0; ll-1) { ACSelectedParcels = ACSelectedParcels.replace(SelectedParcelsAr[p]+",",""); } else { ACSelectedParcels = ACSelectedParcels.replace(","+SelectedParcelsAr[p],""); } //else ACGISSelectedParcels = ACGISSelectedParcels.replace(aGISSelectedParcel,""); gph2.setSymbol(GetCorrectSymbol(aGisPin3)); break; } } } //} //catch(e){}; }}}function ChangeCurrent(current) { return; //alert('ChangeCurrent:'+current); oldCurrentParcel = ACCurrentParcel; ACCurrentParcel = current;//GetNewACList(current); newFound = false; oldFound = false; //debugger; for (var l=0; l-1) { ACParcelAr = ACParcelsAr[l].split(':'); gridpin = ACParcelAr[0] + ":" + ACParcelAr[1] + ":" + ACParcelAr[2]; break; } } return gridpin;}function SelectParcelInGrid(gispin,ACPin) { //debugger; //alert("SelectParcelInGrid:" + gispin); //gridpin = GetGridPin(gispin); //gridpin = CheckCorrectTaxYear(gridpin); if (silverlightApplication == null) ShowMessage("Activity Center silverlight application unreachable, please shut down the application and try again.",true,true); else { silverlightApplication.Content.ActivityCentre.AddSelected(ACPin); //silverlightApplication.Content.ActivityCentre.SelectParcel('000:043006 00010:2008'); //alert("Silverlight AddSelected:" + gridpin); }}//function SelectParcelInGrid(gispin) {// //debugger;// //alert("SelectParcelInGrid:" + gispin);// gridpin = GetNewPinsFromGisPins(gispin);// gridpin = CheckCorrectTaxYear(gridpin);// if (silverlightApplication == null) alert("Silverlight application not found");// else {// silverlightApplication.Content.ActivityCentre.AddSelected(gridpin);// //silverlightApplication.Content.ActivityCentre.SelectParcel('000:043006 00010:2008');// //alert("Silverlight AddSelected:" + gridpin);// }//}function UnSelectParcelInGrid(gispin,ACPin) { //alert("UnSelectParcelInGrid:" + gispin); //gridpin = GetNewPinsFromGisPins(gispin); //gridpin = CheckCorrectTaxYear(gridpin); if (silverlightApplication == null) ShowMessage("Activity Center silverlight application unreachable, please shut down the application and try again.",true,true); else { silverlightApplication.Content.ActivityCentre.RemoveSelected(ACPin); //alert("Silverlight RemoveSelected:" + gridpin); }}function ClearSelectedParcelsInGrid() { UpdateListDetails(); //alert("ClearSelectedParcelsInGrid"); if (silverlightApplication == null) ShowMessage("Activity Center silverlight application unreachable, please shut down the application and try again.",true,true); else { silverlightApplication.Content.ActivityCentre.ClearSelected(); //alert("Silverlight ClearSelected"); }}function updateViewTasksBy(tasksby) { //alert('updateViewTasksBy:'+tasksby); if (map==null) return; for (var l=0; l-1 || units.toUpperCase().indexOf("foot")) units = "FOOT"; else if (units.toUpperCase().indexOf("meter")>-1 || units.toUpperCase().indexOf("metre")) units = "METER"; try { selUnits.value = "UNIT_"+units.toUpperCase(); } catch(e){}; if (selUnits.value.length>0) { changeBufUsing(document.getElementById("bufUsing2"),ChangeSelectionTypeCallBack); } } }function ChangeSelectionTypeCallBack() { Buffer(BufferCurrentParcelsOnMapDone);}function BufferCurrentParcelsOnMapDone() { JsMapCallBackFunction3(GetCurrentlySelectedParcelsOnMap());}//function SetNumberOfParcels(pins) {// if (pins!="") numOfParcelsSelectedOnMap = 1;// pinAr = pins.split(',');// if (pinAr!=null) {// if (pinAr.length>1) numOfParcelsSelectedOnMap = pinAr.length; // }//}function GetCurrentlySelectedParcelsOnMap() { //returns the currently selected parcels on the map in format JUR:PARID:TAXYEAR,JUR:PARID:TAXYEAR... //return document.getElementById("hdPins").value;//document.getElementById('pins').value; return sPins;}function ValidateParam(val,name) { if (val.length<1) { ShowMessage("Paramater " + name + " cannot be empty.",true,true); //throw("Paramater " + name + " cannot be empty."); return false; } return true;}var photoGraphicsLayer = null;var originalParcelExtent = null;function PlotPhotoLatLong(gpslat,gpslng, subjectlat, subjectlng) { if (photoGraphicsLayer!=null) { photoGraphicsLayer.clear(); map.removeLayer(photoGraphicsLayer); photoGraphicsLayer=null; } if (originalParcelExtent==null) originalParcelExtent = selectedExtent; selectedExtent = null; docPhotoId = "9999"; //debugger; gpslat = Number(gpslat); gpslng = Number(gpslng); //if (gpslng>0) gpslng = Number(gpslng) * -1; subjectlat = Number(subjectlat); subjectlng = Number(subjectlng); //if (subjectlng>0) subjectlng = Number(subjectlng) * -1; var features = []; var geometries = []; //attr = {"ALPHA":gisPins,"Parid":sPins,"DocPhotoId":999}; convertGeometriesViaGeometryService=false; if (isMapInWebMercator) { if (gpslat!=0 && gpslng!=0) { pt = new esri.geometry.Point(gpslng, gpslat, new esri.SpatialReference({ wkid: 4326 }));//4326 pt = esri.geometry.geographicToWebMercator(pt); attr = {"ALPHA":gisPins,"Parid":sPins,"DocPhotoId":docPhotoId,"PointType":'PhotoGPSLocation'}; features.push(new esri.Graphic(pt,null,attr,null)); } else if (polCenter!=null) { attr = {"ALPHA":gisPins,"Parid":sPins,"DocPhotoId":docPhotoId,"PointType":'PhotoGPSLocation'}; features.push(new esri.Graphic(polCenter,null,attr,null)); } if (subjectlat!=0 && subjectlng!=0) { pt = new esri.geometry.Point(subjectlng, subjectlat, new esri.SpatialReference({ wkid: 4326 }));//4326 pt = esri.geometry.geographicToWebMercator(pt); attr = {"ALPHA":gisPins,"Parid":sPins,"DocPhotoId":docPhotoId,"PointType":'PhotoSubjectLocation'}; features.push(new esri.Graphic(pt,null,attr,null)); } else if (polCenter!=null) { attr = {"ALPHA":gisPins,"Parid":sPins,"DocPhotoId":docPhotoId,"PointType":'PhotoSubjectLocation'}; features.push(new esri.Graphic(polCenter,null,attr,null)); } } else { if (gpslat!=0 && gpslng!=0) { pt = new esri.geometry.Point(gpslng, gpslat, new esri.SpatialReference({ wkid: 4326 }));//4326 //latlong//new esri.geometry.Point(xloc,yloc,map.spatialReference) attr = {"ALPHA":gisPins,"Parid":sPins,"DocPhotoId":docPhotoId,"PointType":'PhotoGPSLocation'}; features.push(new esri.Graphic(pt,null,attr,null)); geometries.push(pt); } else if (polCenter!=null) { attr = {"ALPHA":gisPins,"Parid":sPins,"DocPhotoId":docPhotoId,"PointType":'PhotoGPSLocation'}; features.push(new esri.Graphic(polCenter,null,attr,null)); geometries.push(polCenter); } if (subjectlat!=0 && subjectlng!=0) { pt = new esri.geometry.Point(subjectlng, subjectlat, new esri.SpatialReference({ wkid: 4326 })); attr = {"ALPHA":gisPins,"Parid":sPins,"DocPhotoId":docPhotoId,"PointType":'PhotoSubjectLocation'}; features.push(new esri.Graphic(pt,null,attr,null)); geometries.push(pt); } else if (polCenter!=null) { attr = {"ALPHA":gisPins,"Parid":sPins,"DocPhotoId":docPhotoId,"PointType":'PhotoSubjectLocation'}; features.push(new esri.Graphic(polCenter,null,attr,null)); geometries.push(polCenter); } convertGeometriesViaGeometryService = true; } var featureSet = new esri.tasks.FeatureSet(); featureSet.features = features; featureCount = featureSet.features.length; //alert(featureCount); if (convertGeometriesViaGeometryService) { gServ = esri.tasks.GeometryService(geometryServiceUrl); //gServ.project(geometries, map.spatialReference, ConvertedGeometries, ConvertGeometriesError); gServ.project(geometries, map.spatialReference, function(featuresProj) { for (var i = 0; i < featureCount; i++) { graphic = featureSet.features[i]; graphic.geometry = featuresProj[i]; } MapPhoto(featureSet, map, false, null); }); } else { MapPhoto(featureSet, map, false, null); }} function MapPhoto(featureSet, map, doNotGotoExtent, callbackfunc) { ShowMessage("",false); ShowMessage("",false,true); //; if (map==null) return; featureCount = 0; mappedFeatures = 0; if (featureSet!=null && featureSet.features!=null) featureCount = featureSet.features.length; if (featureCount<1) { ShowMessage("No photo plot found for this record.",true,true); showProgressImage(false); return; } else if (featureCount>=maxQueryFeatures) { ShowMessage("You have exceeded the maximum number of " + maxQueryFeatures + " selected parcels.\nPlease try again using a smaller selection.",true,true); showProgressImage(false); return; } if (true) { //clearMap(); if (photoGraphicsLayer==null) photoGraphicsLayer = new esri.layers.GraphicsLayer(); //QueryTask returns a featureSet. Loop through features in the featureSet and add them to the map. for (var i = 0; i < featureCount; i++) { //Get the current feature from the featureSet. //Feature is a graphic var graphic = featureSet.features[i]; if (graphic.geometry.type=="point") { geometryIsPoints = true; //debugger; if (selectedExtent==null) { selectedExtent = originalParcelExtent; // //ymin = graphic.geometry.y; // //ymax = graphic.geometry.y; // //xmin = graphic.geometry.x; // //xmax = graphic.geometry.x; // //offset = 0.00001; // //photoExtent = new esri.geometry.Extent(xmin+offset, ymin-offset, xmax-offset, ymax+offset, map.spatialReference); // //selectedExtent = new esri.geometry.Extent(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, map.spatialReference); } //else { //if (originalParcelExtent==null) originalParcelExtent = selectedExtent; //if (graphic.geometry.yymax) ymax = graphic.geometry.y; //if (graphic.geometry.xxmax) xmax = graphic.geometry.x; ymin = graphic.geometry.y; ymax = graphic.geometry.y; xmin = graphic.geometry.x; xmax = graphic.geometry.x; offset = 0.00001; photoExtent = new esri.geometry.Extent(xmin+offset, ymin-offset, xmax-offset, ymax+offset, map.spatialReference); //selectedExtent = new esri.geometry.Extent(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, map.spatialReference); selectedExtent = selectedExtent.union(photoExtent); //} } if (false) {//(plotParcelsAsPoints) { if (graphic.geometry.type=="polygon") graphic.geometry = graphic.geometry.getExtent().getCenter(); graphic.setSymbol(GetMarkerSymbol(graphic.attributes.PointType)); } //else graphic.setSymbol(GetPolySymbol("photo")); graphic.setSymbol(GetMarkerSymbol(graphic.attributes.PointType)); //graphic.setInfoTemplate(infoTemplate); //Add graphic to the counties graphics layer. photoGraphicsLayer.add(graphic); mappedFeatures = mappedFeatures +1; } map.addLayer(photoGraphicsLayer); if (featureCount>0 && selectedExtent!=null) { if (!doNotGotoExtent) { //if (mappedFeatures==1 && geometryIsPoints) { // offset = 0.00001; // selectedExtent = new esri.geometry.Extent(xmin+offset, ymin-offset, xmax-offset, ymax+offset, map.spatialReference); //} if (selectedExtent!=null) map.setExtent(selectedExtent.expand(zoomToSelectedExtentExpandFactor), true); } } showProgressImage(false); //if (callbackfunc!=null) callbackfunc(); //listen for when the onMouseOver event fires on the parcelGraphicsLayer //when fired, create a new graphic with the geometry from the event.graphic and add it to the maps graphics layer dojo.connect(photoGraphicsLayer, "onMouseDown", function(evt) { //debugger; map.disableMapNavigation(); RemoveGraphicMoveable(evt.graphic); MakeGraphicMoveable(evt.graphic); }); //dojo.connect(photoGraphicsLayer, "onMouseMove", function(evt) { // map.enableMapNavigation(); // RemoveGraphicMoveable(evt.graphic); //}); //dojo.connect(photoGraphicsLayer, "onClick", function(evt) { // debugger; // map.enableMapNavigation(); // RemoveGraphicMoveable(evt.graphic); //}); //dojo.connect(photoGraphicsLayer, "onMouseOver", function(evt) { // //debugger; // map.disableMapNavigation(); // MakeGraphicMoveable(evt.graphic); // RemoveGraphicMoveable(evt.graphic); //}); //dojo.connect(photoGraphicsLayer, "onMouseOut", function(evt) { // //debugger; // map.enableMapNavigation(); // RemoveGraphicMoveable(evt.graphic); //}); //dojo.connect(photoGraphicsLayer, "onMouseDrag", function(evt) { // //debugger; // //map.enableMapNavigation(); // RemoveGraphicMoveable(evt.graphic); //}); dojo.connect(photoGraphicsLayer, "onMouseUp", function(evt) { //debugger; map.enableMapNavigation(); RemoveGraphicMoveable(evt.graphic); evt.graphic.geometry.x = evt.mapPoint.x; evt.graphic.geometry.y = evt.mapPoint.y; var newGraphic = new esri.Graphic(evt.graphic.geometry, evt.graphic.symbol, evt.graphic.attributes, null); photoGraphicsLayer.remove(evt.graphic); photoGraphicsLayer.add(newGraphic); SendUpdatedPointInfoBackToPhotoControl(newGraphic); ymin = newGraphic.geometry.y; ymax = newGraphic.geometry.y; xmin = newGraphic.geometry.x; xmax = newGraphic.geometry.x; offset = 0.00001; photoExtent = new esri.geometry.Extent(xmin+offset, ymin-offset, xmax-offset, ymax+offset, map.spatialReference); selectedExtent = originalParcelExtent.union(photoExtent); showProgressImage(false); }); } function SendUpdatedPointInfoBackToPhotoControl(aPointGrahphic) { //debugger; pointType = aPointGrahphic.attributes.PointType; pt = aPointGrahphic.geometry; if (isMapInWebMercator) { pt = esri.geometry.webMercatorToGeographic(pt); } else { //pt = new esri.geometry.Point(gpslng, gpslat, new esri.SpatialReference({ wkid: 4326 }));//4326 //latlong//new esri.geometry.Point(xloc,yloc,map.spatialReference) geometries.push(pt); gServ = esri.tasks.GeometryService(geometryServiceUrl); //gServ.project(geometries, map.spatialReference, ConvertedGeometries, ConvertGeometriesError); gServ.project(geometries, new esri.SpatialReference({ wkid: 4326 }), function(featuresProj) { if (featuresProj.length>0) { pt.geometry = featuresProj[0]; } }); } newLng = pt.x; newLat = pt.y; parent.UpdatePhotoLocation(pointType, newLat, newLng); } var moveStopToken; function RemoveGraphicMoveable(graphic) { dojo.disconnect(moveStopToken); } function MakeGraphicMoveable(graphic) { // Make the shape moveable var dojoShape = graphic.getDojoShape(); var moveable = new dojox.gfx.Moveable(dojoShape); // Update the geometry at the end of move moveStopToken = dojo.connect(moveable, "onMoveStop", function(mover) { // Get the transformation that was applied to // the shape since the last move var tx = dojoShape.getTransform(); var startPoint = graphic.geometry; var endPoint = map.toMap(map.toScreen(startPoint).offset(tx.dx, tx.dy)); // clear out the transformation dojoShape.setTransform(null); // update the graphic geometry graphic.setGeometry(endPoint); dojo.disconnect(moveStopToken); }); } } function GetImageDetailsViaImageChange() { if (parent.imageChanged!=null) parent.imageChanged(-1); } //geolocation var graphic; var currLocation; var watchId; function locate(map) { //debugger; if(navigator.geolocation){ navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(zoomToLocation, locationError); watchId = navigator.geolocation.watchPosition(showLocation, locationError); } else { alert("Your browser does not support geolocation.") } } function locationError(error) { //error occurred so stop watchPosition if(navigator.geolocation){ navigator.geolocation.clearWatch(watchId); } switch (error.code) { case error.PERMISSION_DENIED: alert("Location not provided"); break; case error.POSITION_UNAVAILABLE: alert("Current location not available"); break; case error.TIMEOUT: alert("Timeout"); break; default: alert("unknown error"); break; } } function showLocation(location) { //alert('showLocation'); //zoom to the users location and add a graphic var pt = esri.geometry.geographicToWebMercator(new esri.geometry.Point(location.coords.longitude, location.coords.latitude)); if (!graphic) { addGraphic(pt); } else { //move the graphic if it already exists graphic.setGeometry(pt); } //map.centerAt(pt); } function addGraphic(pt){ var symbol = new esri.symbol.SimpleMarkerSymbol(esri.symbol.SimpleMarkerSymbol.STYLE_CIRCLE, 22, new esri.symbol.SimpleLineSymbol(esri.symbol.SimpleLineSymbol.STYLE_SOLID, new dojo.Color([51, 102, 255, 0.5]), 8), new dojo.Color([51, 102, 255, 0.9]) //new dojo.Color([210, 105, 30, 0.5]), 8), //ornage //new dojo.Color([210, 105, 30, 0.9]) ); graphic = new esri.Graphic(pt, symbol);; } //var gPt=null; function zoomToLocation(location) { showLocation(location); var pt = esri.geometry.geographicToWebMercator(new esri.geometry.Point(location.coords.longitude, location.coords.latitude)); //addGraphic(pt); //gPt = pt; //map.centerAt(pt); //map.centerAndZoom(pt, 12); map.centerAndZoom(pt, 18); } //function zoomToLocation(location) { // //debugger; // if (location==null) return; // //var pt = esri.geometry.geographicToWebMercator(new esri.geometry.Point(location.coords.longitude, location.coords.latitude)); // gpslat = location.coords.latitude; // gpslng = location.coords.longitude; // if (isMapInWebMercator) { // if (gpslat!=0 && gpslng!=0) { // pt = new esri.geometry.Point(gpslng, gpslat, new esri.SpatialReference({ wkid: 4326 }));//4326 // pt = esri.geometry.geographicToWebMercator(pt); // } // } // //pt.symbol = geoMarker; // //geoLocationGraphic = new esri.Graphic(pt.geometry, geoMarker); // var geoLocationSymbol = new esri.symbol.SimpleMarkerSymbol(esri.symbol.SimpleMarkerSymbol.STYLE_CIRCLE, 12, // new esri.symbol.SimpleLineSymbol(esri.symbol.SimpleLineSymbol.STYLE_SOLID, // new dojo.Color([210, 105, 30, 0.5]), 8), // new dojo.Color([210, 105, 30, 0.9]) // ); // geoLocationGraphic = new esri.Graphic(pt, geoLocationSymbol); // //geoLocation = pt; // map.centerAt(pt); // //map.centerAndZoom(pt, 18) // //offset = 0.00001; // //ptExtent = new esri.geometry.Extent(pt.x+offset, pt.y-offset, pt.x-offset, pt.y+offset, map.spatialReference); // //if (ptExtent!=null) map.setExtent(ptExtent); //; //}
Pender County NC Property Information (2024)


How do I find the legal description of my property in North Carolina? ›

To look at a deed you can:
  1. Go to your Register of Deeds Office and look at the document there. Find your Register of Deeds in: Your phone book under county government. The NC Directory of State and County Officials: ...
  2. Look it up online. Many counties have their real property (land) records online. Go to the county website.

What county in North Carolina has the lowest property taxes? ›

Property taxes vary widely by county in North Carolina. The lowest median property tax paid was $701 in Bertie County, while the highest was $3,784 in Orange County, according to 2021 data from the Tax Foundation. Your property taxes are locally assessed and collected by counties.

What is the difference between real property and personal property in NC? ›

Real property consists of land and buildings. Personal property consists of, for this guide, tangible personal property or all personal property that is not intangible and is not permanently affixed to real property.

How to find the tax value of property in NC? ›

Determine the Assessed Value of the Property: If you do not know the assessed value, you can find it on the property's tax bill or by contacting the county's tax assessor's office. Calculate the Property Tax: Multiply the assessed value by the tax rate to determine the annual property tax amount.

How to find out who owns a property in NC for free? ›

North Carolina property owners can always be found by county officials. In fact, property deeds have to be registered with the recorder of deeds in the county where the property is located. In North Carolina, records are filed in the County Register of Deeds office or the County Clerk of Superior Court's Office.

What is a method of identifying the legal description of a property? ›

There are three primary systems for determining and writing the legal description of a property. These include the Rectangular Survey System, metes and bounds, and lot and block.

At what age do you stop paying property taxes in North Carolina? ›

North Carolina defers a portion of the property taxes on the appraised value of a permanent residence owned and occupied by a North Carolina resident who has owned and occupied the property at least five years, is at least 65 years of age or is totally and permanently disabled, and whose income does not exceed $55,050.

Who has the highest property taxes in NC? ›

The highest median property tax bill for 2021 was in Orange County at $3,784, followed by Durham County at $2,696, Wake County at $2,668, Mecklenburg County at $2,489, and Chatham County at $2,431.

What pensions are not taxable in North Carolina for retirees? ›

In North Carolina, all Social Security and Railroad Retirement benefits are exempt from state income taxes, which is a great advantage for retirees relying on these sources of income. There is also no inheritance tax, estate tax, or military retirement benefit taxes in North Carolina.

What personal property is exempt from taxes in NC? ›

Inventories, for example, goods held for sale in the regular course of business by manufacturers, retail merchants and contractors are exempt from personal tax. This includes raw materials, goods in process of manufacturing, and finished goods. All tangible personal property must be listed as of January 1.

Which of the following is not classified as real property? ›

Possessions which can be easily moved and are not fixed in a permanent location, such as furniture, clothing, jewelry, books, and other personal items are not considered real property; instead, these items are classified as personal property.

What happens if I pay someone else's property taxes in North Carolina? ›

Can you pay someone's delinquent taxes and become the owner of the property? No. Paying someone else's taxes will not entitle you to any legal ownership to the property.

How long can property taxes go unpaid in North Carolina? ›

How long do I have until my delinquent taxes become subject to foreclosure? In North Carolina, real property taxes become due on September 1 of each year, and become delinquent if not paid before January 6 of the following year. Any taxes which become delinquent are subject to potential tax foreclosure.

How is NC property tax calculated? ›

North Carolina's property tax is “ad valorem,” which means that it is based on the value of property. A county assessor determines the value of a property and is required to revalue a property at least once every eight years. The goal of the reappraisal is to determine the current market value of the property.

Do veterans pay property taxes in North Carolina? ›

Summary of North Carolina Military and Veterans Benefits: North Carolina offers special benefits for service members, Veterans and their families including property tax exemptions, state employment preferences, education and tuition assistance, vehicle tags, as well as hunting and fishing license privileges.

Where can I get a copy of my property survey in NC? ›

You can request a surveying record from your local building department. Alternatively, you can request a certified copy from your land recorder's office. Some owners choose to share land surveys with tax attorneys and authorities.

Who may certify a metes and bounds description of real property? ›

Metes and bounds is a method of land description used by land surveyors.

What records are public in North Carolina? ›

Request a Public Record
  • Criminal cases.
  • Civil, special proceeding, or estates cases.
  • Divorce judgments.
  • Birth, marriage, divorce, or death certificates. ...
  • Marriage license.
  • Police reports.
  • Real estate records or deeds.
  • For media inquiries, view more information for members of the media.

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Author: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Author information

Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

Address: Suite 153 582 Lubowitz Walks, Port Alfredoborough, IN 72879-2838

Phone: +128413562823324

Job: IT Strategist

Hobby: Video gaming, Basketball, Web surfing, Book restoration, Jogging, Shooting, Fishing

Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.