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Perception of Freedom of Expression of Media Workers in the Eastern Region of the Republic of North Macedonia
Jordanka Galeva
Слободата на изразување е фундаментално право на човекот загарантирано со повеќе правни инструменти на ООН, Советот на Европа, ЕУ и други меѓународни организации. Република С. Македонија како држава членка на ООН, Советот на Европа и на други меѓународни организации го има имплементирано правото на слобода на изразување како на уставно така и на законско ниво во Уставот на државата и Законите. Земајќи во предвид дека слободата на изразување најчесто се смета за огледало на демократијата во една држава и зависно од тоа колку се почитува ова право, така се вреднува и демократијата во нејзиното општество. Медиумите и новинарите вршејќи си ги секојдневните професионални обврски најчестосе соочуваат со разни притисоци од одделни центри на моќ кои го ограничуваат остварувањето токму на ова право на слободата на изразување. Во овој труд е направено истражување во однос на перцепцијата на медиумските работници за слободата на изразување, како и причините кои влијаат во ограничувањето на ова право. Целта на истражувањето беше да се дојде до конкретни сознанија за перцепцијата на степенот на цензура и автоцензура на медиумските работници во медиумите во Источниот регион на Република С. Македонија. Основно истражувачко прашање по кое се водеше истражувањето е "Каква е перцепцијата на медиумските работници за степенот на слободата на изразување во Источниот плански регион на Република С. Македонија?"
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Media coverage of the violent crime in the Republic of Macedonia
Vesna Stefanovska
Temida, 2016
Media is the main source of information about crime and the way it is displayed determines the position and public perception of this phenomenon. In addition to showing the commission of crime and its state, media are obliged to cover not only the activities of the criminal justice system within the framework of formal social control, but even more, the activities of civil society organizations and the Ombudsman as part of informal social control in combatting agaist crime. Because of the perception of their action, the questions that arise are: How the media understands the civil society and its role, how they transmit their public discourse, what they choose to publish, whom they protect, whom they marginalise and what message they send to the public? An analysis of these issues along with an analysis of current offenses is of particular importance in order to determine whether the media give a true or distorted picture of crime. Therefore, the aim of the paper is to present resul...
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Oleg Manaev
Sociological Research , 1998
Общественно-политическая ситуация в Беларуси, которая и раньше характеризовалась, по сравнению со своими соседями, лишь зачатками демократии, рыночной экономики и прав человека, после референдума 24 ноября 1996 года стала быстро приобретать черты закрытого общества. Система политических сдержек и противовесов президентской власти после разгона парламента, Конституционного суда и Центризбиркома, замены избираемых населением местных Советов назначаемой сверху "исполнительной вертикалью", подчинения судебных органов, включая адвокатуру, исполнительной власти-оказалась не просто нарушенной, она практически исчезла. Три традиционные ветви власти слились воедино, а точнее, оказались подчиненными исполнительной власти, во главе которой, согласно новой Конституции, стоит президент. В каком положении находится сегодня "четвертая власть"-средства массовой информации?
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Discourse of Emotions in the Columns in the Internet Media in the Period Before the Referendum on Changing the Constitutional Name of Republic of Macedonia
Eleonora Serafimovska
On 17 June 2018, the Republic of Macedonia and the Republic of Greece signed the Prespa Agreement that closed the long-standing dispute about the name of the Republic of Macedonia. The government then decided to hold a consultative referendum, and the campaign, although unofficial, has already begun. By September 30th, when the referendum was scheduled in the media, numerous personalities appeared: journalists, professors, writers, civil activists, experts from various fields, as well as holders of political functions in the role of columnists, called by the media to say their opinion and position on the change of the constitutional name of their country. The survey is an attempt to see who people were signed on the texts entitled as columns in the period from the signing of the Prespa Agreement to the day of the referendum vote in electronic versions of newspapers, as well as internet portals /information websites; from which sphere of professional life they come; by which dynamic their texts appear; and with which discourse of emotion they try to influence the opinion of the audience. The analysis showed that readers of internet portals witnessed a large number of expert opinions in the research period, and most of them were with negative emotional charge, so there is a dilemma about the loss of the value of the column and its potential positive benefits in making such important decisions for a nation, such as the change of the state name.
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Мониторинг на медиумскиот плурализам во европската унија, албанија, северна македонија и турција
Snezana Trpevska
This report was co-funded by the European CommissionTwo versions available: English and Macedonia
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Factors and Forms of Pressure in the Media Environment in Bulgaria
Iliya Valkov
Postmodernism Problems
The focus of the article is to identify and describe current problems of the average media environment in Bulgaria. Such as: independence of decision-making in the editorial offices; external and internal pressure; under what financial and labour conditions do journalists their work; impact on various events and factors on the media sector such as: the effect of the pandemic, the economic and political environment, military conflicts, etc. In order to this research goal are presented results from online survey conducted on the perception of media freedom in Bulgaria among 204 journalists, media experts and university professors. It was carried out in the period May-June 2022.
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The Issue of Macedonia Renaming’s at the Audiovisual Media in Country
Данила Алексеевич Сорокин
Вестник Тверского государственного университета. Серия: Филология
В статье рассматривается тема влияния на результат голосования по вопросу переименования Македонии материалов, транслируемых в аудиовизульных СМИ страны. Особое внимание уделяется анализу соотношения про- и контр- материалов в эфире македонского телевидения. Сопоставление итогов голосования и проделанной в рамках кампании информработой показывают неубедительность информационной политики, проводимой в Македонии в преддверии референдума. The article is an analysis of the results of voting on the issue of renaming Macedonia based on materials broadcast in the country’s audiovisual media. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the ratio of pro- and counter-materials on the air of Macedonian television. Comparison of the voting results and the information campaign shows the unconvincing information policy pursued in Macedonia on the eve of the referendum.
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Overregulation as a Means of Control: Stifling the Media Freedom and Educational System in Macedonia
Jordan Šišovski
Identities, 2016
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Media Trials in the Discourse of Serbian Daily Press
Ana Jevtović
Kultura polisa, 2021
In a contemporary and digital society we have been witnessing frequent changes and everything has become a commodity, even a piece of information. Whether it is news in the media or an opinion written on social media, information is transformed into a product that has its own price, consumers and market. Since the occurrence of the mass media, numerous communication theories have been emerging which try to interpret how content affects the construction of behavior, what type of message produces certain effects and what are the long-term consequences for the society? Applying the quantitative and qualitative content analysis of the front pages of the six daily newspapers in Serbia (Informer, Večernje novosti, Blic, Kurir, Danas and Alo) between January 17 and February 1, 2021 we investigated the characteristics of the models and narratives used in presenting the case of the well-known Serbian director and acting teacher, Miroslav Mika Aleksić, who has been accused of sexually abusing...
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Media orientation and media competency of the modern Belarusian society: Sociological analysis
Naumov Dmitry
Presnyakov, V.A. Media orientation and media competency of the modern Belarusian society: Sociological analysis / V.A. Presnyakov, A.V. Kurnosov, D.I. Naumov // Матеріали ІІ Всеукраїнської науково-практичної інтернет-конференції «Сучасні комп’ютерні системи та мережі в управлінні»: збірка науков..., 2019
С 91 С 91 Матеріали ІІ Всеукраїнської науково-практичної інтернет-конференції студентів, аспірантів та молодих вчених за тематикою «Сучасні комп'ютерні системи та мережі в управлінні»: збірка наукових праць / Під редакцією Г.О. Райко.-Херсон: ФОП Вишемирський В. С., 2019.-409 с.
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