Live coverage of the 2023 British Open (2024)

  • Sunday 10, 20:55:33


    Live coverage of the 2023 British Open (1)

    Live coverage of the 2023 British Open (2)

    Live coverage of the 2023 British Open (3)

    Live coverage of the 2023 British Open (4)

  • Sunday 10, 11:06:55

    The prize winners...

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    Live coverage of the 2023 British Open (6)

    Live coverage of the 2023 British Open (7)

    Live coverage of the 2023 British Open (8)

    Live coverage of the 2023 British Open (9)

    Live coverage of the 2023 British Open (10)

    Live coverage of the 2023 British Open (11)

    Live coverage of the 2023 British Open (12)

    Live coverage of the 2023 British Open (13)

    Live coverage of the 2023 British Open (14)

    Live coverage of the 2023 British Open (15)

    Live coverage of the 2023 British Open (16)

  • Saturday 9, 20:18:21

    Live coverage of the 2023 British Open (17)


    Saturday 9th September
    Test Piece: 'Sand and Stars' (Thierry Deleruyelle)
    Adjudicators: Dr Robert Childs, Dr Stephen Cobb, Stephen Roberts

    1. Foden's (Russell Gray)*
    2. Valaisia Brass (Arsene Duc)
    3. Tredegar (Ian Porthouse)
    4. Grimethorpe Colliery (Michael Bach)
    5. Black Dyke (Prof Nicholas J. Childs)
    6. Cory (Philip Harper)
    7. Brighouse & Rastrick (Prof David King)
    8. Flowers (Paul Holland)
    9. Hammonds (Morgan Griffiths)
    10. WFEL Fairey (Philip Chalk)
    11. Whitburn (Luc Vertommen)
    12. Aldbourne (Ivan Meylemans)
    13. Desford Colliery (Allan Withington)**
    14. the cooperation band (David Morton)
    15. Hepworth (Ryan Watkins)
    16. Rothwell Temperance (David Roberts)**
    17. Leyland (Thomas Wyss)
    18. Northop Silver (Gareth Brindle)

    Stanley Wainwright Memorial Trophy: Gary Curtin (Foden's)
    Brian Evans Memorial Trophy for Best Soprano: Richard Poole (Foden's)
    The Geoffrey Whitham Memorial Trophy for Best Euphonium: Glenn van Looy (Valaisia)

    * Receives invitation to represent England at 2025 European Championships in Stavanger
    ** Relegated to Grand Shield (TBC)


    Live coverage of the 2023 British Open (18)


    Live coverage of the 2023 British Open (19)

  • Saturday 9, 19:47:14

    4BR Pundits — top six

    Chris Thomas goes for:

    1. Foden's
    2. Cory
    3. Valaisia
    4. Black Dyke
    5. Tredegar
    6. Flowers

    Dark Horse: Grimethorpe

    Jess Tredrea goes for:

    1. Foden's
    3. Cory
    4. Tredegar
    5. Flowers
    6. Black Dyke

    Dark Horse: Desford

  • Saturday 9, 18:59:42

    18. Flowers (Paul Holland)

    Live coverage of the 2023 British Open (20)

    Le Bourget, 1935
    Slightly different approach to detail in lower band lines here. Flugel is well played and the transition works nicely.

    An Extraordinary Adventure
    Great build to the theme with contrasts being reasonably well exploited. Tricky intervals approached very well. Lead into the meno mosso is huge.

    The Crash
    Great troms. Ensemble is very tight within sections. The build to the crash is raucous and fantastic for it. All detail can be picked out in the immediate aftermath. Baritone nails their line.

    Solo lines are all really successful and where they come together it's with real skill and precision. Gentle to close.

    Between the Sand and Stars
    Cornet line is shaped nicely; euph delivers the same. Accompaniment is very classy and 9's work well. Flugelhorn and horn blend well. Percussion is very precise, 5's are secure and demisemiquavers chatter with total clarity and the crescendo and rit are managed with absolute ease. Very successful transition into cadenza section.

    Euph spaces well and exploits dynamics with minimal clips. Great cornet articulation and dynamics.

    Sop sings as does baritone. The tiniest clip is a shame. Well closed out.

    Across the Desert
    Arabic theme drives forward well but with the space it needs for style. The contrasts are back now and well implemented. A standing trombone team deliver a great account without overcooking what is actually only a forte dynamic. Brilliante feels strong and has purpose.

    A Miraculous Rescue
    This feels so settled in tempo. Biggest rall of the day into the presto which is full of drive finish.

    Really clean performance and solo lines delivered with real confidence and style. Lots to admire in this one for certain, and a great way to close out 18 performances.

    Jess Tredrea

    Live coverage of the 2023 British Open (21)

    Le Bourget, 1935
    A fine, atmospheric opening with evocative flugel solo sung over carefully nuanced percussion. This is very promising indeed.

    The World of Flight
    Terrific energy and searing detail allied with such a huge band sound. This is exhilaratingly exciting stuff and could well give the judges something very serious to think about at the very end of the day. The sheer latent heat this generates as we head towards the crash is seriously impressive.

    The Crash
    The crash itself is earth shattering and if there is a criticism of what follows it might be that the dynamic levels are a little heavy as the solos intertwine around the band. There could be a little more subtlety about this but the security of the playing is beyond question.

    Between the sand and the stars
    We do however find subtlety here as first solo euphonium and then solo cornet turn in quality accounts over gently shaded accompaniment from the lower band. Some of this is achingly beautiful and although there are the slightest of slips here and there, the atmosphere is highly effective.

    Across the Desert
    Builds impressively and there's good inner detail and splashes of colour and texture as the momentum grows. Great bass work and as it reaches its whirling climax it finds another level of drama and excitement.

    Miraculous Rescue
    Flowers close the day in style, with an ending that bristles with bravura and elan.

    A highly convincing reading from Flowers. Big, bold and brimming with so much detail and drama.

    Christopher Thomas

    Live coverage of the 2023 British Open (22)

  • Saturday 9, 18:30:53

    17. Whitburn (Luc Vertommen)

    Live coverage of the 2023 British Open (23)

    Le Bourget, 1935
    Doesn't quite start together but percussion is very good and flugel line delivered well overall.

    An Extraordinary Adventure
    Starts well and the band are finding lots of contrast to show off. Plenty of articulation detail here.

    The Crash
    Security is found within the changing metres. The crash build up is blurry and loses some level of effect, not quite landing together. Baritone does well and all soloists find heir space to bring heir lines through, if with ensemble moments suffering slightly.

    Between the Sand and Stars
    Lovely solo cornet with a nicely handled line in 2nd euph. One of the less subtle euph lines today but shaped well nonetheless. A couple of clips detract from flugel and horn. 5's work well. Stars and sand not wholly aligned. Works into the crescendo and rit regardless. Grandioso sings for lead lines.

    Euph cadenza feels as if it lacks a little space, with the held note just about there. Cornet has some slips, handing the conclusion to sop. Ensemble is good in troms/basses. Sop sings with great baritone underneath.

    Across the Desert
    Arabic theme works well. Some clarity losses in solo cornet lines. Trombone line has a slight sense of being more laid back than the band parts. Better to close. Basses great into brilliante.

    A Miraculous Rescue
    Good semiquaver lines, xylo line handled well. Not clean into maestoso. Presto has lots of energy but it almost drifts away to close, with the last bars feeling somewhat lacklustre.

    Lacking the clarity that other bands have found but many strong individual performances.

    Jess Tredrea

    Live coverage of the 2023 British Open (24)

    Le Bourget, 1935
    This year's Grand Shield victors open with a quality flugel solo and what soon turns out to be a big, bold approach to the score.

    The World of Flight
    This is really gutsy stuff from the Scots. High in drive and inner dynamism and with terrific momentum. The volume just tends to run away at times and some of the detail is lost (not for the first time today!) but the sound is big and bracing, the excitement levels high.

    The Crash
    The crash itself is pulverising in its impact but there's a degree of untidiness in the coalescing instrumental lines that follow. This doesn't quite come off.

    Between the sand and the stars
    The sounds are warm but we don't quite sense the desolate loneliness that the music represents here.

    There are also frustrating little slips beneath the surface, whilst the pitted, repeated notes are not completely together and not always clearly audible. Not all notes in the euphonium solo are centred and solo cornet not entirely comfortable.

    Across the Desert
    Good percussion to open and the flecks of muted email in the cornets are effective. Trombone solo not all audible and there's a degree of murkiness in the bass detail. Again though, this has been approached with so much energy.

    Miraculous Rescue
    The ending finds some reserves of stamina to conclude in a blaze of triumph.

    A big boned approach from the Grand Shield qualifiers who have found themselves back on familiar ground in Symphony Hall.

    Christopher Thomas

    Live coverage of the 2023 British Open (25)


    Live coverage of the 2023 British Open (26)


    Live coverage of the 2023 British Open (27)

  • Saturday 9, 18:15:17

    16. Leyland (Thomas Wyss)

    Live coverage of the 2023 British Open (28)

    Le Bourget, 1935
    Really effective opening and great delivery from flugel.

    An Extraordinary Adventure
    Little moments of detail are lost in the approach, but it's clean. The tricky intervals are delivered well. It's very big but contrasts could be found and delivered better.

    The Crash
    The build to and crash itself is not as spectacular as other accounts but it's all there. Baritone delivers well in the aftermath, and other soloists follow suit. Eb Bass is classy. Ensemble moments are well delivered. Airflow just lost unfortunately in flugel into...

    Between the Sand and Stars
    Cornet solo is simply delivered and euph plays similarly well. Accompaniment has moments of insecurity across most seats and some intonation issues creep in as we progress. Demisemiquavers not entirely together consistently — improving as it develops.

    Euph cadenza loses focus of sound at extremes of register and the last held note doesn't sustain. Cornet has several clips and slips. Balance is suspect in troms/basses and intonation suffers perhaps as a result — this carries through in part to the transition.

    Across the Desert
    Percussion stabilises and the Arabic theme starts well but doesn't feel totally settled. Troms have some discomfort in their feature. Basses handle their lines well. Dynamic contrast at brilliante allows middle parts to cut through well.

    A Miraculous Rescue
    Lots of sound here and big percussion contributions. Strong run into the presto and lots of energy into the final bars.

    A performance which lacked security across a number of key areas. Lots of good playing to be found but it wasn't the whole picture of a performance you'd suspect they planned for.

    Jess Tredrea

    Live coverage of the 2023 British Open (29)

    Le Bourget, 1935
    The opening sets the scene well with flugel secure and atmospheric but possibly a touch loud on the bowed cymbal in the percussion.

    The World of Flight
    This has a real sense of drive and energy about it and one can sense the buffeting and erratic journey of the plane as it hurtles onward. The pacing here is very well handled and although not all of the detail is crystalline, the excitement factor is certainly high.

    The Crash
    This was a crash of maximum impact, devastating in its descent and followed by an impressive sense of calm as baritone and horn solos are despatched with both security and style. There is much to admire here as the desert envelops our heroes.

    Between the sand and the stars
    There is again so much to admire here. Euph just slips off the top Eb and a couple of little blemishes on solo cornet but what a secure top D to close! Beautifully done. Trombones are not balanced and tuning is also suspect.

    Across the Desert
    This is imbued with just the right arabic style and flavour, if not as pristinely uniform in execution as the best today.

    Miraculous Return
    The ending perhaps gets a little raucous but completes the performance in the same spirited vein with which it began.

    A good effort from Leyland that although having its moments of uncertainty, also offered playing of spirit and bravura.

    Christopher Thomas

    Live coverage of the 2023 British Open (30)

  • Saturday 9, 18:02:09
  • Saturday 9, 17:32:35

    15. Foden's (Russell Gray)

    Live coverage of the 2023 British Open (31)

    Le Bourget, 1935
    Hugely detailed percussion and lower band backs an offstage flugel line, leading into a great transition for the start of the journey.

    An Extraordinary Adventure
    Loads of clarity here, the detail found is impressive. Contrasts extremely effective and percussion making an important contribution to this.

    The Crash
    Accents in the meno mosso like we've not yet heard today — fantastic. The crash build up represents a true disaster — just how it's required to.

    Aftermath feels secure to open; great from baritone to open but unfortunate slip. Strong solo lines but minor looseness of ensemble at times where lines meld together.

    Between the Sand and Stars
    Real beauty in the sound of the cornet solo line, followed by the same from the Euph who sings within the band around them. Flugel and horn blend nicely.

    Sand and stars representatives are neat and clean. A bass-led grandioso is just that — grand and menacing.

    Cadenza accompaniment is nicely handled. Euph delivers really well — the last held note is something special. Cornet is stylish and dynamics so well delivered. Basses and troms are fantastic.

    Sop is sweet and simple with underlying baritone expertly delivering.

    Across the Desert
    Percussion is tidy and so is the theme. Entire cornet section create tonnes of colour here. Trombone is excellent and the entire section join in with matched style.

    This all carries on with enviable clarity and all the little details being pulled out.

    A Miraculous Rescue
    Great to finally hear the trombone triplets today. Middle band are so strong. The presto is exhilarating — what a ride to the finish!

    Truly fantastic performance from the band with so much to admire in solo contributions as well as section playing.

    We've heard things there which haven't been brought out of the score in the same before now. What a reading!

    Jess Tredrea

    Live coverage of the 2023 British Open (32)

    Le Bourget, 1935
    Fodens opt for the first off stage approach of the day, with band's flugelhorn soloist positioned in the wings. And it's a tactic that works well with the opening moments tinged with evocative mystery.

    The World of Flight
    Flight is the key word here. This flies along with such velocity and and an inner drive that simply propels the music along. It's terrific stuff and breathtakingly exciting when in its full headlong momentum.

    The Crash
    The cumulative garnering of momentum ahead of the impact is shattering. Solo baritone not quite pristine to follow but the solos that follow knit together so well.

    Between the sand and the stars
    The main theme is announced with such a hushed sense of loneliness and yearning. This is so emotional and the deft touches of colour on the vibraphone are delicate but beguilingly effective.

    Gary Curtin is magisterial on solo euphonium. What a player he is. But Mark Wilkinson then matches him on solo cornet. Fabulous stuff. The sonorous statement of the theme by the trombones is underpinned by wonderful bass sounds and this has such poise…such absolute grace and stillness in its delivery.

    Across the desert
    This builds so effectively. At first, almost languid and sensual but then whipping itself up into a frenzy and with such detail and percussion of total awareness of their musical surroundings. Trombone solo is first class and magnificent detail from horns and the inner band.

    Miraculous rescue
    A final blaze of searing intensity. What an ending!

    Simply magnificent from Foden's. Playing of such technical control and musical mastery. This had pretty much everything!

    Christopher Thomas

    Live coverage of the 2023 British Open (33)


    Live coverage of the 2023 British Open (34)


    Live coverage of the 2023 British Open (35)

  • Saturday 9, 17:05:17

    14. Tredegar (Ian Porthouse)

    Live coverage of the 2023 British Open (36)

    Le Bourget, 1935
    Flugel line flows and percussion is effective.

    An Extraordinary Adventure
    Everything is very neat and the commitment to demonstrating the contrasts is evident from early on. Articulation is prioritised across all lines. Effective transition.

    The Crash
    Basses excel and the crash build up and moment of is a true picture of the event. The aftermath is secure; baritone line excellent. Joining soloist lines are performed with style and an absolute bare minimum of slips. It gels wonderfully.

    Between the Sand and Stars
    Solo lines are played well with good dynamic demonstrations but almost no line is without a very minor blemish.

    5's work fine. Differing mute timbres detract slightly from the effect of the demisemiquavers which are delivered tightly.

    Euph nails cadenza line, dynamics, articulations and all. Cornet line also delivered well with minor clips only. Trombones and bass line evoke the needed feeling of hopelessness. Well-balanced to close the section.

    Across the Desert
    Tidy percussion. Arabic theme is delivered with style. Basses handle technical passages with absolute ease. Block chords at the brilliante are expertly balanced.

    A Miraculous Rescue
    No sense of tiredness — in fact no sense of anything other than absolute quality here. What a band sound! The presto is everything it should be — effervescent with triumph.

    You can't argue with the quality of that performance. You get the sense that every bar and beat were examined meticulously and there was a plan for every note — that they wholly delivered on.

    Jess Tredrea

    Live coverage of the 2023 British Open (37)

    Le Bourget, 1935
    The eerie atmosphere evoked at the outset is one of mystery laced with danger, that is beautifully coloured by the percussion and a fine flugel solo that is announced from the rear of the band.

    The World of Flight
    This positively crackles with electricity and so much drive and energy. The sounds are immense and what a sound it is, but so is the detail which is alway audible under surface.

    The Crash
    Terrific trombones in the opening bars and now that detail really comes to the fore once again, with the ensemble razor sharp and the descent to earth one of terrifying ferocity. This really hits between the eyes. Soprano possibly overdoes it a bit?

    If anything it might be a touch over wrought during the subsequent solo passages but the confidence coursing through the band is abundantly clear.

    Between the sand and the stars
    There is so much beauty and pathos here. The individual voices gel so well and the Grandioso sits majestically under a soaring solo euphonium. There are just the slightest of blemishes in the euphonium and cornet solos that follow, but what gloriously sonorous trombones and soprano is excellent.

    Across the desert
    This builds so well and is all the more exotically effective for it. Percussion dynamics are kept so well under control and what a fine trombone solo and trio to follow. When it reaches its whirling climax the ensuing transition into the final section of the main theme is underpinned by excellent levels of detail.

    Miraculous Rescue
    The close is a blaze of triumph and erupts into a pyrotechnical closing flourish.

    Terrific playing from Tredegar. As with many bands there were minor blemishes but this told such a powerful, emotional story.

    Christopher Thomas

    Live coverage of the 2023 British Open (38)

Live coverage of the 2023 British Open (2024)


What TV channels are covering the British Open? ›

NBC, USA Network and Peaco*ck will have live coverage of the final round of the men's final major this season. Peaco*ck will also showcase featured groups and special coverage of the famous par-3 eighth Postage Stamp hole (click here to sign up for Peaco*ck TV).

How can I watch the British Open golf live? ›

Sky Sports is once again the home of The Open, with all the action on Sky Sports Golf and live coverage from every day of tournament week, plus a host of bonus programming to enjoy. Here is everything you need to know to make sure you don't miss any of the action from the final men's major of the year…

How to watch The Open in the US? ›

For the first time ever, the men's championship will be televised live on ABC. In addition, tennis fans can enjoy a “digital grounds pass,” with more than 1,000 hours of coverage and all matches and courts streaming live on the ESPN App across ESPN+ and ESPN3.

How to watch The Open round 2? ›

Round 2 -- Friday, July 19
  1. Round 2 start time: 1:30 a.m. [Tee times]
  2. Open live stream: 1:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Peaco*ck.
  3. TV coverage: 4 a.m. to 3 p.m. on USA Network, fubo (Try for free)
Jul 19, 2024

What channel is UK Open on? ›

The UK Open 2024 will be shown live on ITV3 and ITV4 in the UK.

Can you watch live golf free? ›

Fans in over 180 global territories can watch Live and On-Demand coverage of LIV Golf free of charge via LIV Golf Plus. LIV Golf Plus is available for download on iOS, Android, FireTV, and on

Can I watch live golf on Amazon Prime? ›

You can watch PGA TOUR LIVE through the Prime Video app on more than 650 connected devices like Fire TV, compatible Smart TVs, tablets, and phones. You can also watch online at

What time does round 3 of The Open start? ›

South Africa's Darren Fichardt will hit the first shot of the day at 8.55am, with defending champion Brian Harman getting his third round underway just before lunchtime. Lowry and Brown tee off in the final pairing at 3.45pm after world no. 1 Scottie Scheffler, Rose and the rest of the chasing pack start their rounds.

Will The Open be on NBC? ›

NBC Sports will have on-site studio coverage on Golf Central Live From The Open on GOLF Channel and Peaco*ck.

How to watch Open Online? ›

How To Watch The U.S. Open Tennis Championships Online. The best way to stream the 2024 U.S Open online is on Fubo, whose Pro package — which starts at $49.99 per month with the streamer's current deals — includes live sports coverage on ABC.

How can I watch US Open if I don't have cable? ›

On top of airing on ESPN, US Open matches will stream live on ESPN+, so if you don't want to pay for a pricey cable or streaming package that includes ESPN, this is a budget-friendly alternative.

What TV channel is the British Open on? ›

What channel is British Open on Sunday? USA and NBC will share TV coverage for Sunday's final round at the 2024 British Open.

Is The Open on ESPN? ›

The ESPN App will be the all-in-one streaming home for the US Open. Within the ESPN App: ESPN+ and ESPN3 will combine to live stream all courts from first ball to last ball each day.

Can I watch The Open for free? ›

Whatever you may need for your golfing fix, The Open app has you covered. Here are just some of the new features you can enjoy all year-round, for free. Watch video anytime, any place from right inside the app.

What TV channels are covering the US Open? ›

The 2024 US Open will be played from August 26, 2024 through September 8, 2024. Matches will air on ABC and ESPN, and stream on Sling TV and the platforms featured below.

What direct TV channel is the British Open on? ›

How to Watch The Open Championship 2024. On DIRECTV, The Open 4K coverage can be viewed on Ch. 105.

Is the English Open on TV? ›

Coverage of the English Open will be extensively shown across Eurosport and discovery+, with a range of options available to choose from. Eurosport TV channels will show all live coverage from 1pm and 7pm on each day of the tournament (12pm on Friday 6th).

What channel is live Golf on today? ›

Stream Live on The CW.

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Author: Trent Wehner

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Views: 6468

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (76 voted)

Reviews: 83% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.