Glossary of Social Media Chat Slang, Shortcuts and Hashtags (2024)

Social media slang

Know your TBT IRL or is all this social media slang 2C4U?

This is a glossary of social media and chat app slang and shortcuts. Many are used with a hashtag in front of them dependant on the app and situation.

This is a live list of terms that I will regularly update so please help contribute by commenting below with your suggestions.

Numbers & Special Characters

2 - To

22 - Tutu

143 - I love you

458 - I love you

2C4U - Too cool for you

2DFM - Too dumb for me

2FB - Too freaking bad

2H2H - Too hot to handle

2l8 - Too late

2mr - Tomorrow

2U2 - To you too

4ever - Forever

4n - Foreign

4rl - For real

4ward - Forward


A - Hey

A3 - Anyplace, anywhere, anytime

AAMOF - As a matter of fact

abt - About

ADM - Ay dios mio

ADPIC - Always Dependably Politically Incorrect

AFAICS - As far as I can see

AFAIK - As far as I know

AFAYC - As far as you're concerned

AFDA - A few days ago

AFDB - A few days back
AFK - Away from keyboard

agl - Angel

AHFY - Always here for you

AISI - As I see it

alt - A lot

AM - Antemeridian

AMA - Ask me anything

Amazeballs - Amazing

AML - All my love

ANFSCD - And now for something completely different

AOMM - Always on my mind

AOTY - Album of the year

ASAIC - As soon as I can

ASP - After show party

Attwaction - Attraction to a Twitter user

Attwicted - Addicted to Twitter

ATW - All the way

AWHFY - Are we having fun yet?

AWOL - Absent while online

AYC - Are you coming?

AYPI - And your point is?

AYSOS - Are you stupid or something?


B - Be

b/c - Because

b4 - Before

BAF - Bring a friend

BB - Bright blessings

BBB - Boring beyond belief

bbq - Barbecue

BBW - Be back whenever

BCBG - Bon Chic Bon Genre

BCO - Big crush on

BCOY - Big crush on you

BD - Big deal

bday - Birthday

Bestie - Best Friend

BFF4L - Best friends forever for life

BFFE - Best friends forever

BFFN - Best friend for now

BFK - Big fat kiss

BFN - Bye for now

BFTD - Best friends till death

BFTP - Blast from the past

BGD - Background

BGF - Best guy friend

Biffles - Best friends for life

BION - Believe it or not

BITS - Back in the saddle

Bling - Overly flashy jewelry

BMA - Best mates always

BMGWL - Busting my gut with laughter

BNO - Boys night out

Bootsie - Boring person

BR - Best Regards

Brah - Bro

BRB - Be right back

Bro - Brother

BTW - By the way

BTWITILY - By the way, I think I love you

BUF - Big, ugly, fat

bup - Backup Plan

BW - Best wishes

BYOD - Bring your own device


C&G - Chuckle and grin

C4N - Ciao for now

Catfish - To assume a false identity

Chillax - Chill and relax

chk - Check

cld - Could

clk - Click

CMIIW - Correct me if I'm wrong

CNRHKYITF - Chuck Norris roundhouse kick you in the face

CPE - Coolest Person Ever

Crank tweet - Misleading Tweet

cre8 - Create

Creeper - A socially invasive person

Crew - Group of friends

CRTLA - Can't remember the three letter acronym

CSB - Cool story, bro

CSL - Can't stop laughing

CTO - Check this out

cu2mr - See you tomorrow

CX - Correction

CYF - Check your Facebook

CYFB - Check your Facebook

CYL - Catch ya later

CYM - Check your MySpace


D/C - Don't care

Da - The

DBTS - Don't believe that stuff

dc - Daycare

DD - Dear daughter

Dead - Hilarious

deets - Details

DemThrones - Game of Thrones

Detweet - To delete a tweet

dewd - Dude

DF - Dear fiance

DFTBA - Don't forget to be awesome

DGA - Digital guardian angel

DGYF - Dang girl, you're fine

DH - Dear husband

DIL - Daughter-in-law

DILLIGAFF - Does it look like I give a flying flip?

DITG - Down in the gutter

DL - Doing Laundry

DM - Direct message

DMY - Don't mess yourself

Doge - Dog

DP - Dear partner

Dressgate - Controversy about the colours of a dress

DS - Dear son

DTRT - Do the right thing

DU - Darn you

DUCT - Did you see that?

DUK - Didn't you know?

Dweet - Drunk tweet

DYAC - D*** You Auto Correct

DYD - Don't you dare

DYK - Did you know


e1 - Everyone

Eavestweeting - Eavesdropping on Twitter conversations

Egotwistical - Egotistcal Twitter personality

ELO - Electric Light Orchestra

EMA - Email address

emergatweet - Emergency tweet

eml - Email

EOR - End of rant

Ermahgerd - Oh my gosh

EYC - Excited yet calm


F2F - Face to face

f9 - Fine

Facestalking - Looking through someone's pictures on Facebook

FAF - Funny as fluff

fav - Favorite

fave - Favorite

favs - Favorites

FAWC - For anyone who cares

fb - Facebook

fbc - Facebook Chat

fbf - Facebook friend

fbo - Facebook official

FCOL - For crying out loud

Feed - News feed

feels - Feelings

Felfie - Family picture

FF - Follow Friday & Friends forever

FH - Future husband

FHO - Friends Hanging Out

FIFAWWC - FIFA Women's World Cup

FML - F*** my life

FNB - Football and beer

FOB - Fresh off the boat

FOBO - Fear of being offline

FOH - F*** outta here

FOMO - Fear of missing out

FOMOF - Fear of missing out on football

FOMOH - Fear of missing out on hockey

Fri - Endless friend

FTR - For the record

FTTB - For the time being

FTW - For the win

FUSIT - Fouled up situation

FW - Future wife

FYA - For your amusement

FYE - For your entertainment

FYF - From your friend


G2TU - Got to tell you

G9 - Genius

Gawd - God

GBH&K - Great big hug and kiss

GBY - God bless you

gf - Girlfriend

GFN - Gone for now

GGG - Gotta get a grip

GGGB - Good girl gone bad

GIC - God's in control

GIF - Graphics Interchange Format

Ginger - Red-head

gma - Grandma

GMAB - Give me a break

GMAFB - Give me a friggin' break

GNO - Girls night out

gonna - Going to

gpa - Grandpa

GPOY - Gratuitous picture of yourself

GPOYW - Gratuitous picture of yourself Wednesday

GPS - God's positioning system

Grelfie - Group selfie

GTFO - Get the f*** out <used mostly with trolls>

GTG - Good to go

GUFN - Grounded until further notice

gz - Congratulations


H/T - Hat tip

H&K - Hugs and kisses

h8t - Hate

Handle - Social media username

HB - Hug back

HBBD - Happy belated birthday

hbd - Happy birthday

HC - How cool

Hipster - Alternative subculture

HK - Hugs and kisses

HLBD - Happy late birthday

HML - Hate my life

HMP - Help me, please

HMU - Hit me up

HNY - Happy new year

HOM - Hit or miss

HOPE - Have Only Positive Expectations

Hot - Beautiful

HPDC - Happy People Don't Complain

HRU - How are you

HT - Heard Through

HUMM - Hope you miss me

hun - Honey

HWU - Hey, what's up?

HYFR - Heck ya, freakin' right


IA - I agree

IAB - In a bit

IAG - It's all good

IAGSMSOL - I am getting some money sooner or later

IAIL - I am in love

IAWTCSM - I agree with this comment so much

IBC - Ice bucket challenge

IC - I see

ICYMI - In case you missed it

idd - Indeed

IDEK - I don't even know

IDK - I don't know

IFSFY - I feel sorry for you

IFVB - I feel very bad

IHU - I hate you

IHY - I hate you

IIR - If I remember

IIRC - If I remember correctly

IJDGAF - I just don't give a f***

IJWTS - I just want to say

IKR - I know, right?

ILMM - I love my man

ILUGTD - I love you guys to death

ILYL - I love you lots

ILYLC - I love you like crazy

IMAO - In my arrogant opinion

IMD - In my dreams

IME - In my experience

IMHO - In my humble opinion

IMO - In my opinion

IMPO - In my personal opinion

IMSO - In my sovereign opinion

IMU - I miss you

IMY - I miss you

Instagram prime time - Peak hours of Instagram activity

ion - I don't

IOU - I owe you

IR8 - Irate

IRL - In real life

IRSTBO - It really sucks the big one

ITMT - In the meantime

IWU - I want you


Jellz - Jealous

JFK - Just freakin' kidding

JLMK - Just let me know

JMO - Just my opinion

JSYK - Just so you know

JTLYK - Just to let you know

JUIL - Just you I love


KHYF - Know how you feel

KIR - Keepin' it real

KIT - Keep in touch

KMSL - Killing myself laughing

KOTD - Kicks of the day

KWIM - Know what I mean

KYSOTI - Keep your stick on the ice


L2M - Listening to music

L8 - Late

l8r - Later

LA - Laughing a lot

LAFS - Love at first sight

LAN - Local Area Network

LARP - Live action role-playing

Larper - Live action role-player

Larping - Live action role-playing

LBVS - Laughing but very serious

LeBroning - Flopping

LEP - Love emo people

LFTD - Laugh for the day

LI - LinkedIn

LIG - Life is good

lil - Little

Live-tweet - Tweet about something currently taking place

lk - Like

Llello - Cocaine

LLPOF - Liar liar pants on fire

LLS - Laughing like s***

LML - Love my life

LMS - Like my status

LNOL - Laughing not out loud

LOC - Load of crap

LOL - Laughing out loud

LOLOL - Lots of laugh out louds

lolz - Laugh out louds

LOML - Love of my life

LSS - Long story short

LTD - Lovers till death

LTR - Long term relationship

LUGLS - Love you guys like sisters

LUM - Love you man

LYL - Love you lots

LYLAB - Love you like a brother

LYLAS - Love you like a sister

LYMI - Love you, mean it

LYSM - Love you so much


M02 - My two cents

MCM - Man-crush Monday

MIA - Missing in action

mishu - Miss you

Mistweet - Tweet mistake

MLIA - My life is average

MM - Music Monday

mom - Mum

Movember - Mustache-growing November

MRT - Modified retweet

MT - Modified tweet

MTF - More to follow

mum - Mom

mwahugz - Kisses and hugs

mysp - MySpace


N00b - New user

Nae Nae - Hip-rocking, hand-raising dance move

NB - Not bad

Newbie - New user

NGL - Not gonna lie

NLT - No later than

NOBMR - None of my business, right

NOMB - None of my business

NOYB - None of your business

NSFW - Not suitable for women

NTS - Note to self

nvm - Nevermind

NW - No way


OBO - Or best offer

obv - Obviously

OG - Original gangster

oh - Overheard

OIC - Oh, I see

OLTL - One Life to Live

OME - Oh my Edward

OMG - Oh my gosh

OMGD - Oh my gosh, duh

ONYD - Oh no you didn't

OOH - Out of here

OOMF - One of my followers

Opa - Greek exclamation

OTE - Over the edge

OTS - On the scene


Pad - House

PBUH - Peace be upon Him

PC4PC - Picture comment for picture comment

PDH - Pretty darn hot

pic - Picture

PIMP - Peeing in my pants

PIO - Pass it on

pl0x - Please

Planking - Lying face down

PLJ - Peace, love, joy

pls - Please

PM - Postmeridian

PMKI - Pretty much killin' it

Poser - Pretender

POTB - Pat on the back

POTUS - President of the United States

POUS - President of the United States

PP - Profile picture

PRT - Partial retweet

PSOG - Pure stroke of genius

PTL - Praise the Lord


q - Question


RATM - Rage Against The Machine

RDF - Real deal feeling

Revine - To repost a vine

ridic - Ridiculous

RL - Real life

RLRT - Real life retweet

rly - Really

rox - Rocks

roxorz - Rocks

RT - Retweet

rthx - Retweet thanks

RU - Are you


S4S - Share for share

SAHD - Stay-at-home dad

SAHM - Stay-at-home mom

SAHP - Stay-at-home parent

SAT - Sorry about that

SBT - Sorry 'bout that

SD - Sweet dreams

Selfie - Picture of yourself

Seltering - Sticking out your rear in a fitness pose

SFF - So freaking funny

SFM - So freaking much

Shelfie - Picture of objects arranged on a shelf

Slacktivism - Lazy activism

Slacktivist - Lazy activist

SLM - Socially limiting maneuver

SMF - So much fun

SMH - Shaking my head

SOAB - Son of a b****

SOH - Sense of humor

SOS - Someone special

Spit - To flirt

Spoopy - Scary and funny

SPST - Same place, same time

srs - Serious

Stoked - Excited

Subtweet - Subliminal tweet

Supes - Super

sux - Sucks

Swag - Skills or style

Swammie - Firearm


TAC - That ain't cool

TAY - Thinking about you

TBH - To be honest

TBR - To be read

TBT - Throwback Thursday

TC - Take care

TCOB - Takin' care of business

TFF - Twitter follower-friend

TFTA - Thanks for the add

TGFF - Thank God for Friday

thx - Thanks

TIC - Tongue in cheek

TIL - Today I learned

TISNF - That is so not fair

TITF - That is too funny

TLDR - Too long, didn't read

TMAI - Tell me about it

TMB - Tweet me back

TMDF - To my dearest friend

TMFT - Too much free time

TMG - That's my girl

TMI - Too much information

TOH - The other half

Totes - Totally

TPM - Tweets per minute

TPT - Trailer park trash

TQVM - Thank you very much

TRS - That really sucks

TSNF - That's so not fair

TSS - Toxic Shock Syndrome

TT - Trending topic

TTTT - These things take time

TTY - Talk to you

TTYL - Talk to you later

TTYN - Talk to you never

TTYOOTD - Talk to you one of these days

TTYS - Talk to you soon

Twaddict - Twitter addict

Tweavesdropping - Eavesdropping on Twitter

Tweeple - Twitter people

Tweeps - Twitter peeps

Tweet - Twitter post

Tweetsult - Insulting tweet

Tweetup - Twitter meetup

Twewbie - Twitter newbie

Twinsies - Two people who share a common trait

Twitosphere - The Twitter Universe

Twitterage - Rage experienced as a result of a Twitter post.

Twitterapps - Twitter applications. Any application that integrates with the twitter service.

twitterati - Twitter A-Lister

Twitterverse - Twitter universe

Twollower - Twitter follower

TWSI - That was so ironic

TWTI - That was totally ironic

TY - Thank you

TYVM - Thank you very much


U2U - Up to you

ugh - Disgusted

ul - Unlucky

ULKGR8 - You look great

Unfriend - Remove Facebook friend

UOME - You owe me

URTB - You are the best

us - Ultrasound


Vacay - Vacation

VBG - Very big grin

Vine - 6 second video

Viner - Vine user

Viral - Popular online video

vlog - Video blog

vlogger - Video blogger


w00t - Yay

W2F - Way too funny

W2G - Way to go

WADR - With all due respect

WCW - Woman-crush Wednesday

WDYT - What do you think

Wealthy selfie - Picture of yourself with a large amount of wealth

Weathermageddon - Very bad weather

WEG - Wicked evil grin

Whoa - Expression of surprise

Winternity - Eternal winter

WL - Whatta loser

Woz - Was

WTFE - What the frick ever

WTFNF - What the f****n f***

WTG - Way to go

wtv - Whatever

wv - With

WYWH - Wish you were here


xbf - Ex-boyfriend

xfer - Transfer

xgf - Ex-girlfriend

XO - Kiss and Hug

XTL - Cross the line


Y - Why

YDI - You deserved it

YGG - You go girl

YKYAT - You know you're addicted to

YOLO - You only live once

YOYO - You're on your own

YRAG - You are a geek

YRL - You are lame

YSJ - You're so jealin

yt - YouTube

YVW - You're very welcome

YW - You're welcome

YYSS - Yeah yeah, sure sure


ztwitt - Extremely fast tweeting

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Glossary of Social Media Chat Slang, Shortcuts and Hashtags (2024)
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Author: Ray Christiansen

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Author information

Name: Ray Christiansen

Birthday: 1998-05-04

Address: Apt. 814 34339 Sauer Islands, Hirtheville, GA 02446-8771

Phone: +337636892828

Job: Lead Hospitality Designer

Hobby: Urban exploration, Tai chi, Lockpicking, Fashion, Gunsmithing, Pottery, Geocaching

Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.