Social media slangKnow your TBT IRL or is all this social media slang 2C4U? This is a glossary of social media and chat app slang and shortcuts. Many are used with a hashtag in front of them dependant on the app and situation. This is a live list of terms that I will regularly update so please help contribute by commenting below with your suggestions. Numbers & Special Characters2 - To |
22 - Tutu |
143 - I love you |
458 - I love you |
2C4U - Too cool for you |
2DFM - Too dumb for me |
2FB - Too freaking bad |
2H2H - Too hot to handle |
2l8 - Too late |
2mr - Tomorrow |
2U2 - To you too |
4ever - Forever |
4n - Foreign |
4rl - For real |
4ward - Forward |
AA - Hey |
A3 - Anyplace, anywhere, anytime |
AAMOF - As a matter of fact |
abt - About |
ADM - Ay dios mio |
ADPIC - Always Dependably Politically Incorrect |
AFAICS - As far as I can see |
AFAIK - As far as I know |
AFAYC - As far as you're concerned |
AFDA - A few days ago |
AFDB - A few days back |
agl - Angel |
AHFY - Always here for you |
AISI - As I see it |
alt - A lot |
AM - Antemeridian |
AMA - Ask me anything |
Amazeballs - Amazing |
AML - All my love |
ANFSCD - And now for something completely different |
AOMM - Always on my mind |
AOTY - Album of the year |
ASAIC - As soon as I can |
ASP - After show party |
Attwaction - Attraction to a Twitter user |
Attwicted - Addicted to Twitter |
ATW - All the way |
AWHFY - Are we having fun yet? |
AWOL - Absent while online |
AYC - Are you coming? |
AYPI - And your point is? |
AYSOS - Are you stupid or something? |
BB - Be |
b/c - Because |
b4 - Before |
BAF - Bring a friend |
BB - Bright blessings |
BBB - Boring beyond belief |
bbq - Barbecue |
BBW - Be back whenever |
BCBG - Bon Chic Bon Genre |
BCO - Big crush on |
BCOY - Big crush on you |
BD - Big deal |
bday - Birthday |
Bestie - Best Friend |
BFF4L - Best friends forever for life |
BFFE - Best friends forever |
BFFN - Best friend for now |
BFK - Big fat kiss |
BFN - Bye for now |
BFTD - Best friends till death |
BFTP - Blast from the past |
BGD - Background |
BGF - Best guy friend |
Biffles - Best friends for life |
BION - Believe it or not |
BITS - Back in the saddle |
Bling - Overly flashy jewelry |
BMA - Best mates always |
BMGWL - Busting my gut with laughter |
BNO - Boys night out |
Bootsie - Boring person |
BR - Best Regards |
Brah - Bro |
BRB - Be right back |
Bro - Brother |
BTW - By the way |
BTWITILY - By the way, I think I love you |
BUF - Big, ugly, fat |
bup - Backup Plan |
BW - Best wishes |
BYOD - Bring your own device |
CC&G - Chuckle and grin |
C4N - Ciao for now |
Catfish - To assume a false identity |
Chillax - Chill and relax |
chk - Check |
cld - Could |
clk - Click |
CMIIW - Correct me if I'm wrong |
CNRHKYITF - Chuck Norris roundhouse kick you in the face |
CPE - Coolest Person Ever |
Crank tweet - Misleading Tweet |
cre8 - Create |
Creeper - A socially invasive person |
Crew - Group of friends |
CRTLA - Can't remember the three letter acronym |
CSB - Cool story, bro |
CSL - Can't stop laughing |
CTO - Check this out |
cu2mr - See you tomorrow |
CX - Correction |
CYF - Check your Facebook |
CYFB - Check your Facebook |
CYL - Catch ya later |
CYM - Check your MySpace |
DD/C - Don't care |
Da - The |
DBTS - Don't believe that stuff |
dc - Daycare |
DD - Dear daughter |
Dead - Hilarious |
deets - Details |
DemThrones - Game of Thrones |
Detweet - To delete a tweet |
dewd - Dude |
DF - Dear fiance |
DFTBA - Don't forget to be awesome |
DGA - Digital guardian angel |
DGYF - Dang girl, you're fine |
DH - Dear husband |
DIL - Daughter-in-law |
DILLIGAFF - Does it look like I give a flying flip? |
DITG - Down in the gutter |
DL - Doing Laundry |
DM - Direct message |
DMY - Don't mess yourself |
Doge - Dog |
DP - Dear partner |
Dressgate - Controversy about the colours of a dress |
DS - Dear son |
DTRT - Do the right thing |
DU - Darn you |
DUCT - Did you see that? |
DUK - Didn't you know? |
Dweet - Drunk tweet |
DYAC - D*** You Auto Correct |
DYD - Don't you dare |
DYK - Did you know |
Ee1 - Everyone |
Eavestweeting - Eavesdropping on Twitter conversations |
Egotwistical - Egotistcal Twitter personality |
ELO - Electric Light Orchestra |
EMA - Email address |
emergatweet - Emergency tweet |
eml - Email |
EOR - End of rant |
Ermahgerd - Oh my gosh |
EYC - Excited yet calm |
FF2F - Face to face |
f9 - Fine |
Facestalking - Looking through someone's pictures on Facebook |
FAF - Funny as fluff |
fav - Favorite |
fave - Favorite |
favs - Favorites |
FAWC - For anyone who cares |
fb - Facebook |
fbc - Facebook Chat |
fbf - Facebook friend |
fbo - Facebook official |
FCOL - For crying out loud |
Feed - News feed |
feels - Feelings |
Felfie - Family picture |
FF - Follow Friday & Friends forever |
FH - Future husband |
FHO - Friends Hanging Out |
FIFAWWC - FIFA Women's World Cup |
FML - F*** my life |
FNB - Football and beer |
FOB - Fresh off the boat FOBO - Fear of being offline |
FOH - F*** outta here |
FOMO - Fear of missing out |
FOMOF - Fear of missing out on football |
FOMOH - Fear of missing out on hockey |
Fri - Endless friend |
FTR - For the record |
FTTB - For the time being |
FTW - For the win |
FUSIT - Fouled up situation |
FW - Future wife |
FYA - For your amusement |
FYE - For your entertainment |
FYF - From your friend |
GG2TU - Got to tell you |
G9 - Genius |
Gawd - God |
GBH&K - Great big hug and kiss |
GBY - God bless you |
gf - Girlfriend |
GFN - Gone for now |
GGG - Gotta get a grip |
GGGB - Good girl gone bad |
GIC - God's in control |
GIF - Graphics Interchange Format |
Ginger - Red-head |
gma - Grandma |
GMAB - Give me a break |
GMAFB - Give me a friggin' break |
GNO - Girls night out |
gonna - Going to |
gpa - Grandpa |
GPOY - Gratuitous picture of yourself |
GPOYW - Gratuitous picture of yourself Wednesday |
GPS - God's positioning system |
Grelfie - Group selfie GTFO - Get the f*** out <used mostly with trolls> |
GTG - Good to go |
GUFN - Grounded until further notice |
gz - Congratulations |
HH/T - Hat tip |
H&K - Hugs and kisses |
h8t - Hate |
Handle - Social media username |
HB - Hug back |
HBBD - Happy belated birthday |
hbd - Happy birthday |
HC - How cool |
Hipster - Alternative subculture |
HK - Hugs and kisses |
HLBD - Happy late birthday |
HML - Hate my life |
HMP - Help me, please |
HMU - Hit me up |
HNY - Happy new year |
HOM - Hit or miss |
HOPE - Have Only Positive Expectations |
Hot - Beautiful |
HPDC - Happy People Don't Complain |
HRU - How are you |
HT - Heard Through |
HUMM - Hope you miss me |
hun - Honey |
HWU - Hey, what's up? |
HYFR - Heck ya, freakin' right |
IIA - I agree |
IAB - In a bit |
IAG - It's all good |
IAGSMSOL - I am getting some money sooner or later |
IAIL - I am in love |
IAWTCSM - I agree with this comment so much |
IBC - Ice bucket challenge |
IC - I see |
ICYMI - In case you missed it |
idd - Indeed |
IDEK - I don't even know |
IDK - I don't know |
IFSFY - I feel sorry for you |
IFVB - I feel very bad |
IHU - I hate you |
IHY - I hate you |
IIR - If I remember |
IIRC - If I remember correctly |
IJDGAF - I just don't give a f*** |
IJWTS - I just want to say |
IKR - I know, right? |
ILMM - I love my man |
ILUGTD - I love you guys to death |
ILYL - I love you lots |
ILYLC - I love you like crazy |
IMAO - In my arrogant opinion |
IMD - In my dreams |
IME - In my experience |
IMHO - In my humble opinion |
IMO - In my opinion |
IMPO - In my personal opinion |
IMSO - In my sovereign opinion |
IMU - I miss you |
IMY - I miss you |
Instagram prime time - Peak hours of Instagram activity |
ion - I don't |
IOU - I owe you |
IR8 - Irate |
IRL - In real life |
IRSTBO - It really sucks the big one |
ITMT - In the meantime |
IWU - I want you |
JJellz - Jealous |
JFK - Just freakin' kidding |
JLMK - Just let me know |
JMO - Just my opinion |
JSYK - Just so you know |
JTLYK - Just to let you know |
JUIL - Just you I love |
KKHYF - Know how you feel |
KIR - Keepin' it real |
KIT - Keep in touch |
KMSL - Killing myself laughing |
KOTD - Kicks of the day |
KWIM - Know what I mean |
KYSOTI - Keep your stick on the ice |
LL2M - Listening to music |
L8 - Late |
l8r - Later |
LA - Laughing a lot |
LAFS - Love at first sight |
LAN - Local Area Network |
LARP - Live action role-playing |
Larper - Live action role-player |
Larping - Live action role-playing |
LBVS - Laughing but very serious |
LeBroning - Flopping |
LEP - Love emo people |
LFTD - Laugh for the day |
LI - LinkedIn |
LIG - Life is good |
lil - Little |
Live-tweet - Tweet about something currently taking place |
lk - Like |
Llello - Cocaine |
LLPOF - Liar liar pants on fire |
LLS - Laughing like s*** |
LML - Love my life |
LMS - Like my status |
LNOL - Laughing not out loud |
LOC - Load of crap |
LOL - Laughing out loud |
LOLOL - Lots of laugh out louds |
lolz - Laugh out louds |
LOML - Love of my life |
LSS - Long story short |
LTD - Lovers till death |
LTR - Long term relationship |
LUGLS - Love you guys like sisters |
LUM - Love you man |
LYL - Love you lots |
LYLAB - Love you like a brother |
LYLAS - Love you like a sister |
LYMI - Love you, mean it |
LYSM - Love you so much |
MM02 - My two cents |
MCM - Man-crush Monday |
MIA - Missing in action |
mishu - Miss you |
Mistweet - Tweet mistake |
MLIA - My life is average |
MM - Music Monday mom - Mum |
Movember - Mustache-growing November |
MRT - Modified retweet |
MT - Modified tweet |
MTF - More to follow |
mum - Mom |
mwahugz - Kisses and hugs |
mysp - MySpace N |
N00b - New user |
Nae Nae - Hip-rocking, hand-raising dance move |
NB - Not bad |
Newbie - New user |
NGL - Not gonna lie |
NLT - No later than |
NOBMR - None of my business, right |
NOMB - None of my business |
NOYB - None of your business |
NSFW - Not suitable for women |
NTS - Note to self |
nvm - Nevermind |
NW - No way O |
OBO - Or best offer |
obv - Obviously |
OG - Original gangster |
oh - Overheard |
OIC - Oh, I see |
OLTL - One Life to Live |
OME - Oh my Edward |
OMG - Oh my gosh |
OMGD - Oh my gosh, duh |
ONYD - Oh no you didn't |
OOH - Out of here |
OOMF - One of my followers |
Opa - Greek exclamation |
OTE - Over the edge |
OTS - On the scene P |
Pad - House |
PBUH - Peace be upon Him |
PC4PC - Picture comment for picture comment |
PDH - Pretty darn hot |
pic - Picture |
PIMP - Peeing in my pants |
PIO - Pass it on |
pl0x - Please |
Planking - Lying face down |
PLJ - Peace, love, joy |
pls - Please |
PM - Postmeridian |
PMKI - Pretty much killin' it |
Poser - Pretender |
POTB - Pat on the back |
POTUS - President of the United States |
POUS - President of the United States |
PP - Profile picture |
PRT - Partial retweet |
PSOG - Pure stroke of genius |
PTL - Praise the Lord Q |
q - Question R |
RATM - Rage Against The Machine |
RDF - Real deal feeling |
Revine - To repost a vine |
ridic - Ridiculous RL - Real life |
RLRT - Real life retweet |
rly - Really |
rox - Rocks |
roxorz - Rocks |
RT - Retweet |
rthx - Retweet thanks |
RU - Are you S |
S4S - Share for share |
SAHD - Stay-at-home dad |
SAHM - Stay-at-home mom |
SAHP - Stay-at-home parent |
SAT - Sorry about that |
SBT - Sorry 'bout that |
SD - Sweet dreams |
Selfie - Picture of yourself |
Seltering - Sticking out your rear in a fitness pose |
SFF - So freaking funny |
SFM - So freaking much |
Shelfie - Picture of objects arranged on a shelf |
Slacktivism - Lazy activism |
Slacktivist - Lazy activist |
SLM - Socially limiting maneuver |
SMF - So much fun |
SMH - Shaking my head |
SOAB - Son of a b**** |
SOH - Sense of humor |
SOS - Someone special |
Spit - To flirt |
Spoopy - Scary and funny |
SPST - Same place, same time |
srs - Serious |
Stoked - Excited |
Subtweet - Subliminal tweet |
Supes - Super |
sux - Sucks |
Swag - Skills or style |
Swammie - Firearm T |
TAC - That ain't cool |
TAY - Thinking about you |
TBH - To be honest |
TBR - To be read |
TBT - Throwback Thursday |
TC - Take care |
TCOB - Takin' care of business |
TFF - Twitter follower-friend |
TFTA - Thanks for the add |
TGFF - Thank God for Friday |
thx - Thanks |
TIC - Tongue in cheek |
TIL - Today I learned |
TISNF - That is so not fair |
TITF - That is too funny |
TLDR - Too long, didn't read |
TMAI - Tell me about it |
TMB - Tweet me back |
TMDF - To my dearest friend |
TMFT - Too much free time |
TMG - That's my girl |
TMI - Too much information |
TOH - The other half |
Totes - Totally |
TPM - Tweets per minute |
TPT - Trailer park trash |
TQVM - Thank you very much |
TRS - That really sucks |
TSNF - That's so not fair |
TSS - Toxic Shock Syndrome |
TT - Trending topic |
TTTT - These things take time |
TTY - Talk to you |
TTYL - Talk to you later |
TTYN - Talk to you never |
TTYOOTD - Talk to you one of these days |
TTYS - Talk to you soon |
Twaddict - Twitter addict |
Tweavesdropping - Eavesdropping on Twitter |
Tweeple - Twitter people |
Tweeps - Twitter peeps |
Tweet - Twitter post |
Tweetsult - Insulting tweet |
Tweetup - Twitter meetup |
Twewbie - Twitter newbie |
Twinsies - Two people who share a common trait |
Twitosphere - The Twitter Universe |
Twitterage - Rage experienced as a result of a Twitter post. |
Twitterapps - Twitter applications. Any application that integrates with the twitter service. |
twitterati - Twitter A-Lister |
Twitterverse - Twitter universe |
Twollower - Twitter follower |
TWSI - That was so ironic |
TWTI - That was totally ironic |
TY - Thank you |
TYVM - Thank you very much U |
U2U - Up to you |
ugh - Disgusted |
ul - Unlucky |
ULKGR8 - You look great |
Unfriend - Remove Facebook friend |
UOME - You owe me |
URTB - You are the best |
us - Ultrasound V |
Vacay - Vacation |
VBG - Very big grin |
Vine - 6 second video |
Viner - Vine user |
Viral - Popular online video |
vlog - Video blog |
vlogger - Video blogger W |
w00t - Yay |
W2F - Way too funny |
W2G - Way to go |
WADR - With all due respect |
WCW - Woman-crush Wednesday |
WDYT - What do you think |
Wealthy selfie - Picture of yourself with a large amount of wealth |
Weathermageddon - Very bad weather |
WEG - Wicked evil grin |
Whoa - Expression of surprise |
Winternity - Eternal winter |
WL - Whatta loser |
Woz - Was |
WTFE - What the frick ever |
WTFNF - What the f****n f*** |
WTG - Way to go |
wtv - Whatever |
wv - With |
WYWH - Wish you were here X |
xbf - Ex-boyfriend |
xfer - Transfer |
xgf - Ex-girlfriend |
XO - Kiss and Hug |
XTL - Cross the line Y |
Y - Why |
YDI - You deserved it |
YGG - You go girl |
YKYAT - You know you're addicted to |
YOLO - You only live once |
YOYO - You're on your own |
YRAG - You are a geek |
YRL - You are lame |
YSJ - You're so jealin |
yt - YouTube |
YVW - You're very welcome |
YW - You're welcome |
YYSS - Yeah yeah, sure sure |
Zztwitt - Extremely fast tweeting Connect with Kwai ChiPlease connect with me on any of thesocial networks I useby visitingKwai Chi on Klout Next read about my Instagram Top 10 Tipsor Periscope Top 10 Tips Please note that all commentary are those of Kwai Chi only and do not necessarily reflect the approach from anyone affiliated with Kwai Chi. |
Glossary of Social Media Chat Slang, Shortcuts and Hashtags (2024)
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Article information
Author: Ray Christiansen
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Views: 6574
Rating: 4.9 / 5 (49 voted)
Reviews: 88% of readers found this page helpful
Author information
Name: Ray Christiansen
Birthday: 1998-05-04
Address: Apt. 814 34339 Sauer Islands, Hirtheville, GA 02446-8771
Phone: +337636892828
Job: Lead Hospitality Designer
Hobby: Urban exploration, Tai chi, Lockpicking, Fashion, Gunsmithing, Pottery, Geocaching
Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.